Mapping of liver-enriched transcription factors in the human intestine

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaoguopu
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AIM: To investigate the gene expression pattern of hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 (HNF6) and other liverenriched transcription factors in various segments of the human intestine to better understand the differentiation of the gut epithelium. METHODS: Samples of healthy duodenum and jejunum were obtained from patients with pancreatic cancer whereas ileum and colon was obtained from patients undergoing right or left hemicolectomy or (recto)sigmoid or rectal resection. All surgical specimens were subjected to histopathology. Excised tissue was shock-frozen and analyzed for gene expression of liver-enriched transcription factors by semiquantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain and compared to the human colon carcinoma cell line Caco-2. Protein expression of major liver-enriched transcription factors was determined by Western blotting while the DNA binding of HNF6 was investigated by electromobility shift assays. RESULTS: The gene expression patterning of liverenriched transcription factors differed in the various segments of the human intestine with HNF6 gene expression being most abundant in the duodenum (P < 0.05) whereas expression of the zinc finger protein GATA4 and of the HNF6 target gene ALDH3A1 was most abundant in the jejunum (P < 0.05). Likewise, expression of FOXA2 and the splice variants 2 and 4 of HNF4α were most abundantly expressed in the jejunum (P < 0.05). Essentially, expression of transcription factors declined from the duodenum towards the colon with the most abundant expression in the jejunum and less in the ileum. The expression of HNF6 and of genes targeted by this factor, i.e. neurogenin 3 (NGN3) was most abundant in the jejunum followed by the ileum and the colon while DNA binding activity of HNF4α and of NGN3 was conf irmed by electromobility shift assays to an optimized probe. Furthermore, Western blotting provided evidence of the expression of several liver-enriched transcription factors in cultures of colon epithelial cells, albeit at different levels. CONCLUSION: We describe significant local and segmental differences in the expression of liver-enriched transcription factors in the human intestine which impact epithelial cell biology of the gut. AIM: To investigate the gene expression pattern of hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 (HNF6) and other liverenriched transcription factors in various segments of the human intestine to better understand the differentiation of the gut epithelium. METHODS: Samples of healthy duodenum and jejunum were obtained from patients with pancreatic cancer and ileum and colon was obtained from patients undergoing right or left hemicolectomy or (recto) sigmoid or rectal resection. All surgical specimens were subjected to histopathology. Excised tissue was shock-frozen and analyzed for gene expression of liver-enriched transcription factors by semiquantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain and compared to the human colon carcinoma cell line Caco-2. Protein expression of major liver-enriched transcription factors was determined by Western blotting while the DNA binding of HNF6 was investigated by electromobility shift assays. expression patterning of liverenriched transcription factors differed in the various segments of the human intestine with HNF6 gene expression being most abundant in the duodenum (P <0.05) whereas expression of the zinc finger protein GATA4 and of the HNF6 target gene ALDH3A1 was most abundant in the jejunum Expression of FOXA2 and the splice variants 2 and 4 of HNF4α were most abundantly expressed in the jejunum (P <0.05). Essentially, expression of transcription factors declined from the duodenum towards the colon with the most abundant expression in the jejunum and less in the ileum. The expression of HNF6 and of genes targeted by this factor, ie neurogenin 3 (NGN3) was most abundant in the jejunum followed by the ileum and the colon while DNA binding activity of HNF4α and of NGN3 was conf irmed by Further, Western blotting provided evidence of the expression of several liver-enriched transcription factors in cultures of colon epithelial cells, albeit atdifferent levels. CONCLUSION: We describe significant local and segmental differences in the expression of liver-enriched transcription factors in the human intestine which impact epithelial cell biology of the gut.
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