One water picker in India has two water tanks, one water tank has a crack, and the other is intact. An intact water tank can always carry water from the far stream to the owner’s home. And the broken water tank had only half a pot of water inside it. Therefore, every time a water-picking worker returns to the owner’s home, there is only one and a half canisters of water. The well-made water tank was not only proud of its own achievements, but also of its own perfection, but the poor cracked water tank was very embarrassed by its natural cracks, and it was always very sad. One day two years later, it said to the water-picking people near the creek: “I feel embarrassed for myself. I want to apologize to you.” The water-drinker asked: “Why are you feeling embarrassed?” The pitcher replied, "In In the past two years, on the way of your host family, the water from my