
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongyun64
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自1993年以来,县政府积极响应联合国儿童基金会和世界卫生组织向全球发出的创建爱婴医院的号召,在全县范围内按计划、有步骤地开展创建爱婴医院活动,1995年以来提出在全县开展创建爱婴县活动,这些活动的开展,促进了母乳喂养,推动了妇幼卫生事业的发展,妇女儿童的健康水平也得到进一步提高,两所县级医院及两所设有产科的卫生院已分别通过国家、省、市级爱婴医院标准评估,于1997年底顺利通过联合国儿童基金会的评估,厦门市成为爱婴市,同安区成为爱婴区。母乳喂养率从1994年的56.6%上升到1997年的86.49%,全区孕产妇死亡率、婴儿死亡率、5岁以下儿童死亡率分别从1994年的41.6/10万、26.87‰、32.2‰下降到1997年的22.7/10万、17.32‰、23.52‰,取得显著的社会效益与经济效益。具体做法如下: Since 1993, the county government has responded positively to the call from the United Nations Children’s Fund and the World Health Organization to the establishment of a baby-friendly hospital. It has launched a baby-friendly hospital program as planned and in a step-by-step manner. It has been proposed since 1995. In the whole county, the establishment of activities for the establishment of a baby-friendly county, the development of these activities promoted breast-feeding, promoted the development of maternal and child health, and improved the health of women and children. The two county-level hospitals and two hospitals provided obstetrics. The hospitals have passed the national, provincial and municipal standards of baby-friendly hospitals. They passed the assessment of UNICEF at the end of 1997. Xiamen City became a baby-friendly city and Tongan District became a baby-friendly area. The breastfeeding rate rose from 56.6% in 1994 to 86.49% in 1997. The maternal mortality rate, infant mortality rate, and child mortality rate under 5 years old in the entire region dropped from 41.6/100,000, 26.87 and 32.2 in 1994, respectively. By 22.7/100000, 17.32‰, and 23.52‰ in 1997, significant social and economic benefits have been achieved. The specific approach is as follows:
历史使命的成果 1919年,依萨克·卡鲁索(Isaac Carasso)在巴赛罗那目睹众多儿童受肠道疾病之苦,深感震惊。那时他对梅奇尼科夫(Metchnikoff)(1909年诺贝尔奖获奖者)在乳酸菌
曙光医院中医肝病科是上海医学领先学科。  在王灵台、陈建杰教授带领下,运用中医中药治疗慢性肝炎、改善肝功能、抑制肝炎病毒复制、中药干预肝纤维化的研究方面取得很大
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With a population of 5,700,000,the Tujia ethnic group in-habits a mountainous area at the juncture of Hunan,Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou provinces. As they have
降钙素基因相关肽是一种有降钙素基因表现生物活性多肽 ,广泛分布于神经、心血管系统 ,具有巨大的扩张血管、降低血压及正性肌力作用 ,并参与体内一些激素的调节。在某些心血