农作物施用化肥不当或过多,会导致枝叶徒长、倒伏,病虫害加重或烧苗、萎蔫,轻者造成减产,重者整个植株死亡。一、产生肥害的原因1.失水如一次施用化肥或人畜粪尿过多,或施肥时水分不足,使土壤溶液浓度过高,根细胞吸水困难,甚至失水,易引起烧苗或萎蔫。2.烧伤当施入过多的碳酸氢铵、尿素或者未腐熟的有机肥时,大量的氨气,大量的氨气能烧伤作物叶片。3.中毒如过多施入某种元素,造成该元素过剩症, 引起中毒;施用氮肥过多时,氮肥在消化过程中,常会产生亚硝酸积累,发生亚硝酸毒害,表现为根部变褐、叶片变黄等。
Improper or excessive use of chemical fertilizers on crops will result in the growth of branches and leaves, lodging, pests and diseases, or burning seedlings, wilting and light production, and the death of the entire plant. First, the causes of fat loss 1. Loss of water such as fertilizer or human and animal husbandry once excreted too much, or inadequate water fertilization, the soil solution concentration is too high, water-absorbing root cells difficulties, or even dehydration, easy to cause burning seedlings or wilting . 2. Burn When excessive ammonium bicarbonate, urea or organic fertilizer is not decomposed, a large amount of ammonia, a large amount of ammonia can burn crop leaves. 3. Too much poisoning, such as excessive use of a certain element, causing the element of excess disease, causing poisoning; excessive use of nitrogen, nitrogen fertilizer in the digestive process, often produce nitrite accumulation, nitrite poisoning occurs, the performance of brown roots, leaves Yellowing and so on.