第二十届全国中学生物理竞赛预赛试卷的第三题,是一道热学题,其结果体现了“洗淋浴”的价值所在——能充分利用有限的能量资源.下面就来分析这道题. 题目:在野外施工中,需要使质量m=4.20kg的铝合金构件升温.除了保温瓶中尚存有温度t=90.0℃的1.200kg的热水外,无其它热源.试提出一个操作方案,能利用这些热水使构件从温度t_0=10.0℃升温到66.
The third question of the twentieth national junior high school physics competition preliminaries test paper is a thermal problem. The result reflects the value of “washing the shower” - it can make full use of the limited energy resources. Here’s the analysis of this topic. : In the field construction, it is necessary to raise the temperature of the aluminum alloy member with mass m=4.20kg. Except that there is still 1.200kg hot water at the temperature t=90.0°C in the thermos bottle, there is no other heat source. Using the hot water, the temperature of the component was raised from the temperature t_0 = 10.0°C to 66°C.