目的探讨计算机X线摄影(computed radiology,CR)技术在双下肢全长投照中的应用。方法用普通500mAX线机对双膝关节畸形(如膝关节内外翻)的病人进行投照,视病人身高情况采用2~3个成像板(IP)连接起来同时投照。经过后处理技术,得到双下肢全长(髋关节至踝关节)的完整图像。结果所获得的双下肢全长的图像,不仅是从髋关节到踝关节都能清晰地显示,而且图像完整,并可经过后处理的其它一些功能进行长度测量、角度测量、真实放大等的应用。结论合理应用CR的投照技术和图像后处理技术,就能达到双下肢全长拼接的优质图像。
Objective To investigate the application of computed radiography (CR) technique in the projection of full-length lower limbs. Methods The patients with double knee deformity (such as knee valgus and valgus) were treated with the ordinary 500mAX line machine, and were connected with 2 ~ 3 imaging plates (IP) depending on the patient’s height. After the post-processing technology, get the full length of both legs (hip to ankle) complete image. Results The resulting images of the full length of both lower extremities were not only clearly visible from the hip joint to the ankle but also were imaged intact and could be used for length measurement, angle measurement, true magnification, etc. after some other post-processing functions . Conclusion Reasonable application of CR projection technology and image post-processing technology, will be able to achieve full-length double-stitched high-quality images.