
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:genesis
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The transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) has been shown to be effective in the control of refractory or recidivant ascites. However, the effec t of TIPS on survival as compared with that of large-volume paracentesis plus a lbumin is uncertain. A multicenter, prospective, clinical trial was performed in 66 patients with cirrhosis and refractory or recidivant ascites (16 Child-Turc otte-Pugh class B and 50 Child-Turcotte-Pugh class C) randomly assigned to tr eatment with TIPS (n = 33) or with large-volume paracentesis plus human albumin (n = 33). The primary endpoint was survival without liver transplantation. Seco ndary endpoints were treatment failure, rehospitalization, and occurrence of com plications. Thirteen patients treated with TIPS and 20 patients treated with par acentesis died during the study period, 4 patients in each group underwent liver transplantation. The probability of survival without transplantation was 77%at 1 year and 59%at 2 years in the TIPS group as compared with 52%and 29%in the paracentesis group (P = .021). In a multivariate analysis, treatment with parac entesis and higher MELD score showed to independently predict death. Treatment f ailure was more frequent in patients assigned to paracentesis, whereas severe ep isodes of hepatic encephalopathy occurred more frequently in patients assigned t o TIPS. The number and duration of rehospitalizations were similar in the two gr oups. In conclusion, compared to large-volume paracentesis plus albumin, TIPS i mproves survival without liver transplantation in patients with refractory or re cidivant ascites. The transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) has been shown to be effective in the control of refractory or recidivant ascites. However, the effec t of TIPS on survival as compared with that of large-volume paracentesis plus a lebum is uncertain. A multicenter, prospective, clinical trial was performed in 66 patients with cirrhosis and refractory or recidivant ascites (16 Child-Turc otte-Pugh class B and 50 Child-Turcotte-Pugh class C) randomly assigned to tr eatment with TIPS (n = 33) or with The primary endpoint was survival without liver transplantation. Seco ndary endpoints were treatment failure, rehospitalization, and occurrence of com plications. Thirteen patients treated with TIPS and 20 patients treated with par acentesis died during the study period, 4 patients in each group underwent liver transplantation. The probability of survival without transplantation was 77% at 1 year and 59% at 2 years in the TIPS grou In a multivariate analysis, treatment with parac entesis and higher MELD score showed to independently predict death. Treatment f ailure was more frequent in patients assigned to paracentesis (p = .021) , of severe ep isodes of hepatic encephalopathy occurred more frequently in patients assigned to TIPS. The number and duration of rehospitalizations were similar in the two gr oups. In conclusion, compared to large-volume paracentesis plus albumin, TIPS i mproves survival without liver transplantation in patients with refractory or re cidivant ascites.
康熙帝  康熙帝少年擒鳌拜,亲征噶尔丹,内平三藩,外击沙俄,可谓是千古一帝。然而英明一世的康熙帝在皇位继承人的问题上也是游移不定、百般为难。  仿汉制 立太子  在康熙帝之前,清朝历史上共存在过3位统治者,分别是清太祖努尔哈赤,清太宗皇太极和清世祖福临(顺治帝)。努尔哈赤和皇太极死后,均是由满清贵族共同商议推举继承人的形式来完成最高权力的交接工作,而顺治帝和孝庄皇太后改变了太祖和太宗时期的皇位继承