The Brief Comparison of Western Bible Translation and Chinese Buddhist Translation

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  【Abstract】The paper describes the evolvement of transation theory through summarizing these two religious history, which paves the way for comparing western Bible translation and Chinese Buddhist translation.
  【Key words】The Bible translation; Buddhist translation; Religion
  It is inevitable for both western world and China to take religious factors into consideration for the sake of studying translation theory. It goes without doubt that “the history of Bible translation is a history of Western culture in microcosm.”the history of Sutra translation in China is almost the history of Chinese translation before Ming Dynasty.

1. The Summary of the Bible and Buddhist Translation Theories

  1.1 The Bible Translation Theories
  In ancient times, the Egyptian Emperor organized the translation activity and produced the Septuagint. This absolutely a crystallization of the collective wisdom interfered by the politics. The concerted effort of Septuagint turned out to be influential. Unfortunately, there is no viewpoint of translation being found.
  At the position of church, Philo Judaeus set standards for becoming a translator who should master the professional knowledge. St. Jerome explicated the difference between translating literature and religious texts. His classification is related with the choice of translation materials. And he also asserted that it had better utilize flexible literal translation other than dead one. For St. Augustine, he illustrated his translation methods from three aspects of translator, original texts, readers and linguistics. He thought that translator must be familiar with the genre as well as capable of translating.
  Against the background of “Dark Middle Age”, there are a few people posing outstanding translation theories but Ulfila, Aelfric, especially Jon Wycliffe. Among them, Ulfila created Gothic language to render some parts of Latin Bible. Aelfric made contributions to diffuse English by turning a partial of The Bible of Latin version into English. Jon Wycliffe was obliged to retranslate The Bible by the Church, and he realized that it was a concert work to revise the authentic Latin text of The Bible which were in need of improving the elegance.
  Outstanding translators in renaissance more or less sought for the freedom in the right of national or ethical language by balancing the conflicts on the interpretation of ethnic language or Latin, vernacular or official language. Such enlightenment has impaired the authority of the Church, and awoke the national consciousness. Martin Luther supported that translator is rich in knowledge and respectful to original work, and the style of translation meet the needs of readers. In the linguistic level, there are three elements of grammar, meaning and figure of speech to be care about. William Tyndal were brave enough and completed the English version of The Bible with the feature of easiness. William Fulke described that translation is independent with religion, but closely relates with obeying language laws and measure words with caution. He advocated using a new language with English characteristics.   As demonstrated above, the process of translating The Bible shows the liberation and prosperity of the cultural diversity, mainly national languages. Primarily, the activities of translating the Bible were hosted under the influence of political authority shifted from that to religion, then the faithfulness of translation was subject to religious rule. There are four factors gradually being liberated in turn, such as translator, original text, language, and reader. The first one directed at translators, possessing a good professional knowledge and linguistics. They initially were responsible for the politics when they translating The Bible, church the next, up to the ordinary people and nationality. Church strictly restrain translators’ activities and requires them to translate word for word to guarantee the fidelity. But those translators are prone to use flexible literal translation or “sense for sense” translation through their practice. It is with these ideas that translators see the new silver light those sheds on existing translated texts of the Bible to fight for free translation. Every retranslation of the Bible with the permission of church can arouse a heated discussion.Translators increasingly attached importance to the ethic and vernacular languages, used them to disseminate religious belief, and enlighten people directly by pursuing the easy-to-understand style for the convenience of spreading religious thoughts.
  1.2 The Buddhist Translation Theories
  A brief look at the history of translating Buddhist scripture till North Song Dynasty reveals a changing process of translation development. And the debates on translation were started around translators’ ability of whether mastered the source language and the target language. At first, Buddhist scriptures were not available before 3 or 4 century. So translating sutras’ totally based on the memory of missionaries, e.g. An Shigao. And the procedures were involved steps below: a foreign missionary with little or no Chinese knowledge recited (Koushou) Buddhist lections in national languages, such as Central Asian or Indic languages, not expressed in Chinese; a foreign missionary with some Chinese knowledge interpreted them into Chinese (Chuanyan); and a native Chinese with little knowledge of Central Asian or Indic languages put the interpretation down into Chinese characters (Bishou). It had been inevitable that misinterpretation and mistranslation occurred.
  When it comes to the discussion of wen (文)and zhi   (质),the translators with having a good command of both the source and target languages appeared, one of them is Zhi Qian. He took the lead in using the elegant style rather than simple style. He replaced the earlier translations by translations of the meaning, used the footnotes for the first time so far, and borrowed concepts from Chinese classics, for example, Confucian and Chuangtzu.
  Another great person Dao’an came to a path diametrically opposed to Zhi Qian’s geyi (格譯). He practiced literalism in translation, and put down his rendering theories of Five Losses and three Difficulties in favor of accuracy and presenting the original as it is. And he and his assistants explored the differences between Chinese and foreign language on the time dimension. Whereas Kumarajiva did his utmost to “coin Chinese terms specially suited to Buddhism”. He not only adhered to pursue fidelity and expressiveness, but also the aesthetic feeling. His translations were featured with clarity and elegance. The attempt to achieve faithfulness, Kumarajiva “held the original text, interpreted the scripture from Sanskrit into Chinese and expounded the idea. Then an old Chinese version was used for reference or for textual criticism”, which recorded in Sengrui’ s preface of Dapin jing xu. It was proved that his translating products won the popularity in the history. Meanwhile, this marked that translation added two procedures of Zhengyi (证义) for textual research and Jiaodui (校对) for proofreading. The process of translating was systemized well, and produced the better quality of translations.
  Hui Yuan was the one who had both connections with Dao’an and Kumarajiva, knew clearly about their divergence of translation views. Afterwards, he suggested the way of appropriateness to channel the conflicts between “the simple school”(Dao’an) and “the elegant school”. Sengrui, proficient in Sanskrit and Chinese, elaborated a lot on the problem of the name (名) and the nature (实) related to the translation. Sengyou later further discussed this problem in terms of the origin of Sanskrit and Chinese and their different pronunciation. Yan Cong expatiated on the standards for translators from two angles: personality and knowledge. As to Xuanzang, he adopted an inclusive attitude towards the selection of translation materials which contained various Buddhist schools. He also collated previous versions of lections, and perfected the process of translation.
  In sum, translation problems firstly are involved much with whether translators are skillful in mastering knowledge of the source and target language and the existing form of language, e.g. oral or written form. In practice, translators further compared the old versions with contemporary counterparts, and posed the problem of the name and the nature. These led translator to a better awareness of the nature of translation and violate infidelity to the original.

2. The Comparison Between Them

  2.1 The Similarity between Them
  At the beginning, both translating activities were politically supported, and they were once collective products. They both required the translators to have rich knowledge of at least two languages, to be honest and pious to religious belief. Translators were aimed to make translations more easy-to-understand for spreading religious thoughts to audiences. The translating methods had experienced similarly, changed from dead translation to literal translation, from the literal translation to flexible translation, from the flexible translation to free translation. These changes proceeded to the underlying evolvement trend of vernacular.
  2.2 The Difference Between Them
  The position of religion is different. In the west, religion was paralleled with imperial power, and it ruled the spiritual world of people in the past. And church strictly controlled the freedom of speech, especially the right of interpreting the Bible. Furthermore, the Bible must be translated in Latin. So the religion in the west suppressed the development of national languages and people’s ideological emancipation. With the religion being inferior to the politics, versions of The Bible in different national languages emerged in large numbers. In China, the Buddhist religion is in the charge of the political power, and served to the politics. What’s more, the writing words had been unified in China. Of course, Chinese culture overwhelmed other culture around the adjacent areas.
  Buddhist ideas were actively and consciously integrated into the Chinese native-born culture. That’s one of reasons why there is no religious reformation and vernacular emancipation until the end of Qing Dynasty.Furthermore, translating organization in China was more perfect than western country. And the process of translating was officially recorded. Of course, there is the great possibility that the Chinese ambiguity is affected a lot by the translating method and the intuitive way of thinking in Buddhism.

3. Conclusion

  It’s of the most importance to find something new by taking western Bible translation and Chinese Buddhist translation as a mirror, and comparing these two translation histories. This paper unavoidably has many an omission or repetition, but it’s hoped that this paper can provide reference for the development and diffusion of religion translation.
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【摘要】随着社会科技的飞速发展,在当前“互联网 ”时代背景下,信息技术在教育教学中得到了广泛的应用,为教学打造了良好的平台并提供了丰富的教學资源。尤其在初中英语教学中,教师通过现代化信息技术手段,有效地激发了学生的学习兴趣,提高了学生的自主学习能力,并且为学生营造了轻松的学习氛围,加强了学生对英语知识的理解和掌握,提高了英语课堂教学的质量。基于此,本文就“互联网 ”背景下初中学生英语自主学习能力的
【摘要】随着教育水平的不断提高,社会对于多元化、高素质英语人才的需求也不断增加。在多媒体信息技术快速普及和大学教学方法不断创新的教学背景下,多模态信息认知教学模式从传统的教学模式中脱颖而出。该教学模式充分利用多媒体教学调动学生们在进行英语学习时的视觉、听觉、触觉等感官,帮助大学生们提高自身英语听说能力及专业英语素养。  【关键词】多模态;认知;教学模式;大学;英语教学  【作者简介】关颖,辽宁财贸
【摘要】将教育游戏融入到小学英语的教学中,可以激发小学生学习英语的兴趣,可以有效避免小学生在学习英语的过程中和教师进行英语教学的过程中会遇到很多困难。本文首先分析了将教育游戏融入到小学英语教学的优势,让教师认识到教育游戏这种教学方法在教学中的优点,然后探讨了如何将教育游戏融入到小学英语教学中。  【关键词】教育游戏;小学英语教学;方法  【作者简介】马银素,聊城市外国语学校。  一、游戏教学在小学
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【摘要】随着新课改的不断深入,当前的初中英语教学中不仅关注学生需要能力的提升,也注重学生写作能力的培养,进而实现学生听说读写能力的全面提升,然而长期以来,在初中英语写作教学中还存在一些问题,需要教师采取灵活的教学策略,让学生产生写作兴趣,提升写作能力。本文对初中英语写作教学存在的问题概述,讨论并分析如何在核心素养下开展初中英语写作教学,希望有利于学生素养的全面提升。  【关键词】核心素养;初中英语
【摘要】拼图阅读作为一种特殊的合作教學模式,被广泛地运用到各科的课程学习当中,特别是英语阅读,运用拼图式的特殊教学模式,能够有效地提升学生的学习效率,提升学生的阅读能力,积极而又有效地促进学生获取语言知识的动力,同时还能够为后期提升学生交际能力、口语能力垫定重要的发展基础。  【关键词】拼图阅读;中职英语;课程教学  【作者简介】王文静(1982.05-),女,陕西咸阳人,新疆巴州师范学校,200
【摘要】随着网络信息技术的迅速发展,传统的英语教学模式已经不能满足学生综合素养的需求,应时而生的混合式教学模式刚好弥补了传统教学模式的缺憾,因此说在传统课堂中融入混合式教学模式,是当前初中英语教学较好的一种教学模式。  【关键词】初中英语;传统课堂;混合式学习;教学  【作者简介】任安安(1965.12-),男,汉族,甘肃省静宁县成纪中学,专科,研究方向:初中英语教学。  初中英语承载着承前启后的
【摘要】随着教育改革的进一步深化开展,初中阶段的英语教学就要及时的创新观念,运用新的教学模式提升英语教学的质量。而英语听力是教学中的重点,采用多模态教学模式就能发挥其积极促进作用,为学生高效学习提供动力。  【关键词】初中英语;听力教学;多模态模式  【作者简介】黄兰,江西省吉安市万安县第二中学。引言  初中英语听力教学内容是培养学生综合素质的重要教学内容,教学中传统教学模式的应用已经无法发挥积极