我们要进一步坚定做好治超工作的决心和信心,决不让这项工作半途而废。 1.要实事求是地看待成绩和困难,集中治超两个月来,收到了开好头、起好步的效果,社会各界反应良好,但眼前的好局面是通过强大的舆论宣传和严格执法取得的。存在的问题不容忽视。 2.要树立长期作战的思想准备,治超是一项艰巨性、复杂性和长期性的工作,既涉及到现有利益格局的再调整,又涉及到社会经济秩序的除旧革新,决不是通过短期内集中整治,就能顺利
We must further strengthen our resolve and confidence in doing a good job of supermining the military and never let the work come to an end. 1. To view the achievements and difficulties in a realistic and truth-seeking manner and to concentrate the treatment over the past two months, we have received the good results and the good responses from all walks of life. However, the good situation ahead is achieved through strong public opinion propaganda and strict law enforcement of. Existing problems can not be ignored. 2. To establish the ideological preparation for long-term combat operations, superpower governance is an arduous, complex and long-term task that involves not only the readjustment of the current interest pattern but also the removal of old innovations in the social and economic order and by no means Through the short-term focus on remediation, you can smooth