分析比较了肝硬变糖代谢正常组与异常组的糖代谢情况及其相关因素。现将结果报告如下。一、对象:乙型肝炎肝硬变患者26例,男18例,女8例,年龄47.5±10.76岁,病程2.4±1.57年。所有患者均无糖尿病史和糖尿病家族史,且未接受过胰岛素治疗。二、方法:选择病情稳定的肝硬变患者,进行口服糖耐量试验(OGTT,75g 葡萄糖粉),用葡萄糖氧化酶法测血浆血糖,同时用放射免疫法测定血浆胰岛素、胰高糖素、生长激素以及上午八时皮质醇,同期检测肝功能指标。计算胰岛素敏感性指数(血浆空腹血糖与胰岛素乘积的倒数的自然对数)。依 OGTT 结果,将肝硬变患者分为糖代谢异常组及正常对照组。两组各指
The glycometabolism and its related factors in normal and abnormal liver cirrhosis group were analyzed and compared. The results reported below. First, the object: Hepatitis B cirrhosis patients in 26 cases, 18 males and 8 females, aged 47.5 ± 10.76 years, duration of 2.4 ± 1.57 years. All patients had no history of diabetes and a family history of diabetes and had not received insulin therapy. Methods: Patients with stable liver cirrhosis were selected for oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT, 75g glucose powder), plasma glucose was measured by glucose oxidase method, and plasma insulin and glucagon were measured by radioimmunoassay Hormones and cortisol eight o’clock in the morning, the same period detection of liver function indicators. The insulin sensitivity index (natural log of the reciprocal of the product of fasting plasma glucose and insulin) was calculated. According to OGTT results, patients with cirrhosis were divided into abnormal glucose metabolism group and normal control group. Two groups of fingers