即提问由表入里、由浅入深,层层深入、环环紧扣,从简单到复杂,循序渐进。如教学SB3BU21(A Problem For The Detective)时,逐层展开步步深入,设计了以下几个问题:①How many people attended the meeting?②What did the young woman want to do?③What made Hope think of getting the money instead of Clare?④What was Mr Coal's best proof that the girl was not Clare Flower?⑤Why did Tom Goode think that the money should belong to him?这几个问题的设计基本包括了这篇文章涉及的人物、环境和故事情节等,通过由浅入深的逐步分析和理解,使学生掌握了知识。
采用多种形式的提问,如单个回答、小组讨论、全班讨论等形式,提高学生学习兴趣,丰富课堂教学内容。如在讲授SB2BU10(Pollution)时,可穿插以下的一些问题:①Why is the area of desert growing every year?②What are the causes of air pollution?③What is the general cause of water pollution?④What shall we do to protect our earth?①、②、③问题概括性强,答案涉及多个段落,由小组讨论的形式来回答,问题④则适合全班讨论。
3、针对性原则即因人施问。根据学生水平进行分层提问,使每个学生都有表现的机会。对培养各层次学生的学生兴趣,尤其对打破中差等生对提问的畏惧心理有很好的效果。以SB1BU7(Earthquake)为例,为满足各个层次学生的需要,可尝试设计以下问题:相对简单,适合英语基础差的学生:①In what part of the united States is San Francisco?②In the spring of 1906,what happened to San Francisco?③How many people lost homes after the earthquake?④how many people died in the earthquake and the fires?⑤What happened again in the city in the fall of 1989?相对偏难,适合英语基础好的学生:⑥Can you tell the reason why there are earthquakes?
教师导入新课时,用设问的方法,制造悬念,激发学生学习兴趣,造成学生渴求新知奥秘的强烈愿望,起到一石激起千层浪的效果。如在上SB3BU13(A famous detective)可设计以下提问:①What's the problem with a young lady?②Was her life in danger?③Who will get the lady's money when she dies?④Is her uncle the very person who wants to kill her?⑤Why did the famous detecive decide to spend the night locked in the lady's room?⑥Who wants to kill the young lady?通过提问①、②问题导入新课,新课在学生对故事结果焦急地期待中进行。③、④问题使故事一波未平、一波又起,紧张的故事情节吸引、控制着学生的注意力。通过问题⑤检查、了解学生对课文的掌握情况。同时问题⑥又为故事的续集埋下了巧妙的伏笔。
在教学中教师要注意知识点的衔接,在新旧知识的连接点上设问,既可以复习旧知识,又能引出新知识。如在上SB1AU6(Shopping)时,教师出示冰箱图片。T:Please guess:What's in the fridge?Ss:There are some apples pears grapes peaches...There are some tomatoes potatoes cabbages…There is some bread cake butter cheese…There is some milk coke beer wine…There is some salt pepper sugar oil…在此设问,既复习了前面学过的食物、饮料、水果名称,同时又自然引出了新的同类单词。
教师根据教学内容围绕一个重点从不同角度设问,让学生开拓思路,理解问题的本质,并以此为主线,串起其他教学内容。例如SB1BU5本课的重点是:He is going to the shop.She is going to buy a card.He is at home now.She is writing on the card.针对以上重点我设计了以下问题:Where is Jim going?Why?What card?Where is Mary?What is Mary doing now?而这些问题的回答正是本课的重点。从学生的回答中了解学生对重点内容的理解掌握程度。让学生反复操练,循环往复,以突出重点,加深学生的印象。
即提问由表入里、由浅入深,层层深入、环环紧扣,从简单到复杂,循序渐进。如教学SB3BU21(A Problem For The Detective)时,逐层展开步步深入,设计了以下几个问题:①How many people attended the meeting?②What did the young woman want to do?③What made Hope think of getting the money instead of Clare?④What was Mr Coal's best proof that the girl was not Clare Flower?⑤Why did Tom Goode think that the money should belong to him?这几个问题的设计基本包括了这篇文章涉及的人物、环境和故事情节等,通过由浅入深的逐步分析和理解,使学生掌握了知识。
采用多种形式的提问,如单个回答、小组讨论、全班讨论等形式,提高学生学习兴趣,丰富课堂教学内容。如在讲授SB2BU10(Pollution)时,可穿插以下的一些问题:①Why is the area of desert growing every year?②What are the causes of air pollution?③What is the general cause of water pollution?④What shall we do to protect our earth?①、②、③问题概括性强,答案涉及多个段落,由小组讨论的形式来回答,问题④则适合全班讨论。
3、针对性原则即因人施问。根据学生水平进行分层提问,使每个学生都有表现的机会。对培养各层次学生的学生兴趣,尤其对打破中差等生对提问的畏惧心理有很好的效果。以SB1BU7(Earthquake)为例,为满足各个层次学生的需要,可尝试设计以下问题:相对简单,适合英语基础差的学生:①In what part of the united States is San Francisco?②In the spring of 1906,what happened to San Francisco?③How many people lost homes after the earthquake?④how many people died in the earthquake and the fires?⑤What happened again in the city in the fall of 1989?相对偏难,适合英语基础好的学生:⑥Can you tell the reason why there are earthquakes?
教师导入新课时,用设问的方法,制造悬念,激发学生学习兴趣,造成学生渴求新知奥秘的强烈愿望,起到一石激起千层浪的效果。如在上SB3BU13(A famous detective)可设计以下提问:①What's the problem with a young lady?②Was her life in danger?③Who will get the lady's money when she dies?④Is her uncle the very person who wants to kill her?⑤Why did the famous detecive decide to spend the night locked in the lady's room?⑥Who wants to kill the young lady?通过提问①、②问题导入新课,新课在学生对故事结果焦急地期待中进行。③、④问题使故事一波未平、一波又起,紧张的故事情节吸引、控制着学生的注意力。通过问题⑤检查、了解学生对课文的掌握情况。同时问题⑥又为故事的续集埋下了巧妙的伏笔。
在教学中教师要注意知识点的衔接,在新旧知识的连接点上设问,既可以复习旧知识,又能引出新知识。如在上SB1AU6(Shopping)时,教师出示冰箱图片。T:Please guess:What's in the fridge?Ss:There are some apples pears grapes peaches...There are some tomatoes potatoes cabbages…There is some bread cake butter cheese…There is some milk coke beer wine…There is some salt pepper sugar oil…在此设问,既复习了前面学过的食物、饮料、水果名称,同时又自然引出了新的同类单词。
教师根据教学内容围绕一个重点从不同角度设问,让学生开拓思路,理解问题的本质,并以此为主线,串起其他教学内容。例如SB1BU5本课的重点是:He is going to the shop.She is going to buy a card.He is at home now.She is writing on the card.针对以上重点我设计了以下问题:Where is Jim going?Why?What card?Where is Mary?What is Mary doing now?而这些问题的回答正是本课的重点。从学生的回答中了解学生对重点内容的理解掌握程度。让学生反复操练,循环往复,以突出重点,加深学生的印象。