新千年伊始,“个性化“从来没有象现在这样被人们所推崇,从T型台上的专业模特到街头的姑娘、小伙儿,无不散发着个性的魅力,演绎着自我的风采。而最能体现个人风格的,莫过于万变千姿的发型了。2000年7月11日,值北京的盛夏之际,享誉全球的沙宣发型创意总监们将这一季最流行的时尚发型展现在中国观众面前,让他们不出国门便能领略来自欧洲最前沿的发型流行风潮。 这次表演的主体分为摇滚一族、偶像明星、全新黑色、浪漫都市、朋客新貌、拉美风情、时装周集锦。
From the beginning of the new millennium, “personalization” has never been esteemed by people as it is now. From the professional models on the T-stage to the girls and boys on the street, all exudes the charm of the individual and interprets the self-demeanor. The best embodiment of personal style, than the ever-changing hairstyle. July 11, 2000, the occasion of Beijing’s summer, the world-renowned Shaoxing hair creative directors this season will be the most popular fashion hair show in front of Chinese audiences, so that they can not go abroad to enjoy the forefront from the European hairstyle Pop trend. The main body of the show is divided into rock family, idol star, new black, romantic city, new friends, Latin American style, fashion week highlights.