What Kinds of Moons Are They? 它们都是什么月亮?

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  The word “moon” has been around as long as the English language, which is not surprising because the moon was critically important to early civilizations. It comes from the Old English “mona” and shares a root with the word “month”—because the moon revolves around the Earth once a month. While the sun stays the same day after day, the moon changes every night, allowing ancient people to identify the days and months and seasons.
  Today, we have calendars and clocks to help us keep track of time. But some of the old names for the moon (especially a full moon) have stuck. Many, though not all, of these names for moons are linked to traditions related to ecology and ways of life. While you might have heard of some of the names we’re referring to, we bet there are lots that will surprise you.
  Strawberry Moon
  Throughout history, the arrival of certain plants, animals, or weather patterns have been used for the naming of moons. For example, the strawberry moon—you guessed it—coincides with the arrival of strawberries.
  Many Native nations throughout the United States link a particular moon to these (wild) strawberries. Which moon that was depended on where those tribes lived. In the warm southern United States, the Natchez people called the April full moon the strawberry moon. For the Cherokee people, March is known as the strawberry moon, or anvhyi in Cherokee. For the Anishnaabe, June is known as ode’imini-giizis or strawberry moon. And there are half a dozen other variations.
  Blue Moon
  Today, the blue moon is the second full moon in a calendar month. It’s awfully rare for a blue moon to come around—it only occurs once every 2.7 years.
  The blue in the blue moon is thought to come from the Old English word be-l?wa, meaning “betrayer”—possibly because it was out of sync with the usual moon cycle.
  蓝月亮中的blue被认为源于古英语单词be-l?wa,意思是“背叛者”——可能是因为它与通常的月球周期不同步。   Harvest Moon
  Before it was a 1992 album by the Canadian artist Neil Young, the harvest moon referred to the full moon closest to autumnal equinox, typically in September or October.
  The word “harvest” comes from the Old English word h?rfest which referred to the autumn season. In the mid-1200s, “harvest” became more closely associated with the sense we know it today—the gathering of crops. The expression “harvest moon” is attested to by 1704.
  Many cultures have harvest moons, including a number of Native American languages. In China, the Moon Festival (Zhongqiu Jie), also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is celebrated during the harvest moon. As part of the celebration, families traditionally share mooncakes, a kind of sweet pastry.
  Cold Moon
  In most parts of the United States, January is cold—bitter cold. So it makes sense that for many Native American tribes, the name for the January or other winter full moons translates to some variation of cold moon.
  In Cherokee and Mohawk, the cold moon takes place in January. In Eastern Comanche, it’s December. For the Central Shoshoni people, the cold moon takes place in November.
  While the expression “cold moon” appears in many literary texts in English—even in Shakespeare—it isn’t until the early 1800s that English-language texts note the Native American expression cold moon in relation to the January full moon. In the English tradition, the January full moon would have been known as the moon after Yule—Yule being the name for the winter solstice.
  Milk Moon
  It is said that, the name “milk moon” is a colonial English expression for the full moon in April. As the theory goes, grass is particularly abundant in April, allowing the farm animals to make a lot of milk.
  The earliest written uses of the expression “milk moon” in evidence come from late 19th and early 20th century studies of tribes in Mongolia and their names for different months. One of these, when translated, was known as the milk moon. However, at least by the early 20th century, the April full moon was termed the milk moon in English-language almanacs.
  Word Study
  track /tr?k/ n. (人、动物或车辆留下的)足迹,踪迹;车辙
  keep track of  了解……的动态;与……保持联系
  Bank statements help you keep track of where your money is going.
  coincide /'k???n'sa?d/ v. (两件或更多的事情)同时发生
  The strike was timed to coincide with the party conference.
  term /t??m/ v. 把……称为;把……叫作
  At his age, he can hardly be termed a young man.
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