ICT(Information and Communication Technology)是信息技术与通信技术相融合而形成的一个新的概念和新的技术领域,发展ICT业务成为信息服务提供商也已是电信运营商的共识。在“向现代综合信息服务提供商转型”的战略指导下,作为中国最大的固网运营商,中国电信通过ICT业务这把利器加速转型进程,已成功地推出了ICT系列服务,志在开辟出一片新的“蓝海”。2008年,中国电信进入转型的第二阶段,ICT业务扮演了越来越重要的角色,近日,就如何看待ICT业务以及运营商在发展ICT业务中的定位和组织实施等若干难题,本刊总编梁海滨专访了中国电信集团系统集成有限责任公司总经理刘志勇先生。
ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is a new concept and new technical field formed by the integration of information technology and communication technology. It is also the consensus of telecommunication operators to develop ICT service as an information service provider. Under the strategy of “transforming to a modern integrated information service provider”, as the largest fixed-line operator in China, China Telecom has successfully launched the ICT series of services through the ICT business as an expeditious process of transformation. Open up a new “blue ocean”. In 2008, when China Telecom entered the second phase of its transformation, the ICT business played an increasingly important role. Recently, on the issues of how to deal with the ICT business and operators’ positioning and organization in the development of the ICT business, Bian Liang Haibin interviewed Mr. Liu Zhiyong, general manager of China Telecom Group System Integration Co., Ltd.