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2014年7月7日,国家卫计委发布《关于加强计划生育基层基础工作的指导意见》指出,在卫生计生机构改革中,基层计生工作只能加强,不能削弱。要做好基层经常性工作,规范社会抚养费征收管理,严格执行收支两条线;推进生育服务证制度改革,简化再生育审批。《意见》提出,计划生育基层基础工作要推进计划生育体制机制、政策制度、方式方法的改革,健全管理科学、服务优质、运行规范的计生工作网络,建设结构合理、素质优良、保障有力的计生基层工作队伍,完善宣传教育、依法管理、群众自治、优质服务、政策推动、综合治理的基层工作长效机制。 On July 7, 2014, the State Health Planning Commission issued the Guiding Opinion on Strengthening the Basic Work of Family Planning, stating that in the reform of the health care family planning service, grass-roots family planning work can only be strengthened and can not be weakened. Regular work should be done at the grassroots level to regulate the collection and administration of social support payments and strictly enforce the two lines of revenue and expenditure; to promote the reform of the birth certificate system and simplify the approval of childbearing. According to the Opinion, the basic work of family planning at the grassroots level should promote the reform of institutional and institutional mechanisms, policies and systems and methods and methods of family planning, and improve the family planning network for scientific management, high-quality service and standardized operation so as to establish a family planning system with reasonable structure, excellent quality and strong social security Grassroots work teams, and improve the long-term mechanism of grass-roots work such as publicity and education, law-based management, mass self-government, quality service, policy promotion and comprehensive management.
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从选地、整地、播种、田间管理、收获等方面详细介绍了轮台县加工番茄高产栽培技术,以期为加工番茄高产提供理论参考。 From the selection, preparation, planting, field
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