为评价准分子激光角膜原位磨镶术治疗近视的疗效, 将1240 例 (2480 眼) 近视眼患者 (- 1.25~-25.00D) 分为3 组: 1组为- 1.25~- 6.00D, 2 组为- 6.15~- 10.00D, 3组为- 10.15~- 25.00D, 均采用准分子激光角膜原位磨镶术(LASIK) 进行治疗, 术后平均随访18 个月(6~36个月), 并对资料进行分析。结果显示: 术后18个月屈光度与预矫相差在±0.50D和±1.00D以内者1 组为85% 和96% ; 2 组为75% 和90% ; 3 组为35% 和75% 。裸眼视力0.5 和1.0 者1 组为99% 和87% 。2 组为93% 和72% ; 3 组为70% 和32% 。其中252 眼进行了再次手术, 20 眼因各种原因致矫正视力下降2行或更多。因此我们认为LASIK 可有效地治疗- 1.25~- 25.00D的近视眼而无严重并发症发生。患者的合作以及手术技巧和激光设备及其程序的不断改进有助于进一步提高手术的预测性、准确性和安全性
To assess the efficacy of excimer laser in situ keratomileusis for the treatment of myopia, 1240 patients (2480 eyes) with myopia (-1.25 to -25.00D) were divided into 3 groups: - 6.00D, two groups of - 6.15 ~ - 10.00D, three groups of - 10.15 ~ - 25.00D, were treated by excimer laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) treatment, postoperative The average follow-up of 18 months (6 to 36 months), and data analysis. The results showed that in 18 months postoperatively, the difference between diopter and pre-orthodontic was within ± 0.50D and within ± 1.00D, 85% and 96% in group 1, 75% and 90% in group 2, 35% and 75% in group 3 %. The uncorrected visual acuity of 0.5 and 1.0 in 1 group was 99% and 87%. 93% in group 2 and 72% in group 2; 70% and 32% in group 3. Of the 252 eyes underwent reoperation, 20 eyes were corrected for various causes of orthopnea by 2 lines or more. Therefore, we believe that LASIK can effectively treat myopia - 1.25 ~ - 25.00D without serious complications. Patient co-operation and continuous improvement of surgical techniques and laser devices and their procedures help to further improve the predictability, accuracy and safety of the procedure