郭金刚,目前正在中国矿业大学攻读博士研究生。1998年3月至今,担任山西潞安矿业(集团)公司王庄煤矿矿长、党委委员。 郭金刚同志自参加工作以来,始终坚持务实创新的工作作风,勤于思考,勇于实践,敢于超越,一步一个脚印,一步一个台阶,走出了一条坚实而光辉的人生道路。 1998年3月,郭金刚同志被任命为王庄煤矿矿长。王庄煤矿是一座闻名全国的先进煤矿。生产技术先进,目前的主要采煤手段——综采放顶煤技术,在国际上趋于
Guo Jingang, currently studying for a doctoral student at China University of Mining and Technology. Since March 1998, he has served as the head and party member of Wangzhuang Coal Mine in Shanxi Luan Mining (Group) Company. Since taking part in his work, Comrade Guo Jingang has always adhered to the pragmatic and innovative style of work, diligently thinking, practicing courageously, and going beyond it step by step and step by step and has stepped out of a solid and brilliant path of life. In March 1998, Comrade Guo Jingang was appointed as the head of Wangzhuang Coal Mine. Wangzhuang Coal Mine is a well-known national advanced coal mine. Advanced production technology, the current main means of coal mining - fully mechanized top coal caving technology in the international tend to