Some expressions about “birds”

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  Today we explain some expressions about birds. You see, if something is “for the birds”, it is worthless or not very interesting. Someone who “eats like a bird” eats very little. And “a bird’s-eye view” is a general look at an area from above.
  Do you know that if you tell a young person about “the birds and the bees” you are explaining about sex and birth? Have you ever observed that “birds of a feather flock together”? In other words, people who are similar become friends or do things together. Here is some good advice: “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” This means you should not risk losing something you have by trying to get more of something you do not have.
  Sometimes I can do two things by performing only one action. This is called “killing two birds with one stone”. But I would never really kill any birds. I love all kinds of animals. This is “a real feather in my cap” - it is something to be proud of.
  Most of the people I work with are “early birds”. They believe that “the early bird catches the worm” - they think that a person who gets up early in the morning for work has the best chance of success. Everyone in my office works hard, but some people “have had their wings clipped” - their jobs have been limited. This is because the office is organized “by pecking order” - people with more years of experience are given more responsibility.
  答案:9个。eats like a bird吃得很少;a bind’s-eye view鸟瞰、俯瞰;the birds and the bees可向儿童说明的关于两性关系的基本常识;birds of a feather flock together物以类聚/一丘之貉;a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush双鸟在林不如一鸟在手;killing two birds with one stone一石二鸟/一箭双雕;a real feather in my cap骄傲的成就;the early bird catches the worm早起的鸟儿有虫吃/捷足者可先得;have had their wings clipped袖手旁观。
云吞面是地道的广式小吃。滑嫩、弹牙的鲜虾云吞,配上金黄、筋道的竹升面,再加上醇厚的汤头和爽口的配菜,简直让人百吃不厌。据说香港有不少明星去外埠拍片,往往数月不能回港,此时他们最想念的饮馔不是“红烧大鲍翅”之类的山珍海味,而是一碗其貌不扬的云吞面。这或许能说明云吞面在省港大众心中的位置:对于思乡的游子,它仿佛具有治愈乡愁、带来幸福的力量。  用来制作云吞面的,其实都是常见材料:一点儿肉和蛋、几只虾、
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