一看到都江堰,“李冰”和“大熊猫”跃然于脑海。后者自不必多说,此地乃国宝“胖达”栖息地之一;而前者则了不得了,都江堰的命名就是盖因秦蜀郡太守李冰父子在前人基础上开凿修建的大型水利工程,虽历经2 000多年风雨,几经修葺,但至今还在灌溉着成都平原,真正是遗泽千秋。2016年11月17日,笔者来到四川省都江堰市,采访了四川普什宁江机床有限公司(以下简称“普什宁江”)的品质部部长、副总工程师李平。在走进普什宁江时,笔者看到其办公楼墙体的裂缝多处可见,李部长解释这是受自于2008年汶川地震,并无大碍。联想到我们此行的目的,笔者肃然起敬。并不牵强地说,可靠性,各行各业都不容忽视。
One saw Dujiangyan, “Li Bing ” and “Giant Panda ” vividly in my mind. The latter needless to say, here is the national treasure “fat Tatsu ” habitat; and the former is incredible, Dujiangyan naming is covered by Qin Shujun prefect Li Bing and his son built on the basis of predecessors, large-scale water conservancy Although it has undergone more than 2,000 years of stormy weather and repairs, it has still irrigated the Chengdu Plain so far. On November 17, 2016, the author came to Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province and interviewed Li Ping, Minister of Quality and Deputy Chief Engineer of Sichuan Pashun Ningjiang Machine Tool Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Pshuningjiang”). As I walked into the Pushkinen River, I saw many cracks in the wall of the office building. Minister Li explained that this was not affected by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Associated with the purpose of our trip, the author awe-inspiring. Do not be forced to say that reliability, all walks of life can not be ignored.