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兴趣是最好的老师,美国心理学家布鲁纳说:“学习最好的刺激乃是对所学学科的兴趣。”如果学生对学习产生兴趣,那么他就会积极主动地学习;反之,则启而不发,学而不进,很难达到预期的效果。培养学生的学习兴趣,不仅能够让学生变被动为主动,而且对学生的长远发展将产生持续性的影响。如何在数学教学中激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,并使兴趣得以持久,进而转化成学习的动力?我觉得应从下面几个方面去尝试。一、“奇”中激“趣”好奇心是人类普遍的一种心理现象,在创造性思维中有触发催化的作用,是发挥想象力的起点。苏霍姆林斯基 Interest is the best teacher, the American psychologist Bruner said: “The best stimulus for learning is the interest in the subject. ” If students are interested in learning, then he will be pro-active learning; On the contrary, then Kai and not fat, learning without entering, it is difficult to achieve the desired results. Fostering student interest in learning can not only make students passive and proactive, but also have a lasting impact on the long-term development of students. How to stimulate and cultivate the students’ interest in mathematics teaching, and make the interest lasting, and then translate into the driving force of learning? I think we should try from the following aspects. First, “odd ” in the excited “fun ” Curiosity is a common human psychological phenomenon, triggered in the creative thinking catalytic role is to play a starting point for imagination. Sukhomlinski
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