Preparation of Cerium Doped Cu/MIL-53(A1) Catalyst and Its Catalytic Activity in CO Oxidation Reacti

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tszhzhc159
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Metal-organic framework(MOF) material MIL-53(A1) with high thermal stability was prepared by a solvothermal method,serving as a support material of cerium doped copper catalyst(Ce-Cu)/MIL-53(A1) material for CO oxidation with high catalytic activity.The catalytic performance between the(CuCe)/MIL-53(A1) and the Cu/MIL-53(A1) catalytic material was compared to understand the catalytic behavior of the catalysts.The catalysts were characterized by thermogravimetric-differential scanning calorimetry(TGDSC),N_2 adsorption- desorption,X-ray diffraction(XRD),and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).The characterization results showed that MIL-53(A1) had good stability and high surface areas,the(Ce-Cu)nanoparticles on the MIL-53(A1) support was uniform.Therefore,the heterogeneous catalytic composite materials(Ce-Cu)/MIL-53(A1) catalyst exhibited much higher activity than that of the Cu/MIL- 53(A1) catalyst in CO oxidation test,with 100%conversion at 80 ℃.The results reveal that(Cu-Ce)/MIL-53(A1) is the suitable candidate for achieving low temperature and higher activity CO oxidation catalyst of MOFs. Metal-organic framework (MOF) material MIL-53 (A1) with high thermal stability was prepared by a solvothermal method, serving as a support material of cerium doped copper catalyst (Ce-Cu) / MIL-53 oxidation with high catalytic activity. The catalytic performance between the (CuCe) / MIL-53 (A1) and the Cu / MIL- 53 (A1) catalytic material was compared to the catalytic behavior of the catalysts. The catalysts were characterized by thermogravimetric The characterization results showed that MIL-53 (A1) had good stability and high surface areas, the ( Ce-Cu) nanoparticles on the MIL-53 (A1) support was uniform. Prior to the heterogeneous catalytic composite materials (Ce-Cu) / MIL- (A1) catalyst in CO oxidation test, with 100% conversion at 80 ° C. The results reveal that (Cu-Ce) / MIL-5 3 (A1) is the suitable candidate for achieving low temperature and higher activity CO oxidation catalyst of MOFs.
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