[目的]利用 SSR 分子标记法标记桃(Prunus persic (L.) Batsch)果肉近核色素。[方法]以“重阳红”与“燕红”2 个桃品种为亲本构建正交 F1群体,选取其中138株后代作为标记群体,采用分离群体分组分析(bulked segregate analysis,BSA)法,将果肉近核色素分为“有”和“无”2个基因池,应用SSR分子标记技术寻找与桃果肉近核色素性状基因连锁的分子标记。[结果]通过对256对引物的筛选,获得了3对与控制桃果肉近核色素性状基因连锁的分子标记,即 UDP96-003、ch04g09 和 UDP97-402,同时计算得到这 3 个标记与桃果肉近核色素性状基因的遗传距离分别为16.7、10.1和17.0 cM。[结论]该研究为进一步筛选遗传距离更近的共显性分子标记奠定了基础。
[Objective] The results showed that the nucleus pulposus of Prunus persic (L.) Batsch was labeled with SSR molecular markers. [Method] With the two peach cultivars “Chongyang red” and “Yanhong” as their parents, 138 F1 progenies were selected as the marker groups and analyzed by bulked segregate analysis (BSA) Method was used to separate the near nuclear pigment of the fruit into two pools of “” and “no ”. SSR molecular markers were used to search for the molecular markers linked to the near nuclear pigment trait in peach pulp. [Result] Through screening 256 pairs of primers, three pairs of molecular markers linked to the genes controlling the nucleolar properties of peach pulp, ie UDP96-003, ch04g09 and UDP97-402, were obtained. At the same time, The genetic distances of near nuclear pigment trait genes were 16.7, 10.1 and 17.0 cM, respectively. [Conclusion] The study laid the foundation for further screening co-dominant molecular markers with closer genetic distance.