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  1 教学设计的依据
  2 学生情况分析
  3 写作题材和要求
  2、巴拉克明中学:Ballekermeen High School
  Dear Mr. Liu,
  I’m glad to learn that our school will organize a cultural delegation to visit Ballekermeen High School. I’m interested in it. And I think I am a qualified student.
  I’m looking forward to receiving your reply.
  Yours sincerely,
  Li Hua
  4 教学目标
  4.1 核心任务:学生在规定时间内写出一封120字左右的英文书信,以提高写作能力。
  4.2 课堂活动:话题导入→小组讨论→独立写作→伙伴编辑→师生共同评价。
  4.3 训练目标
  5 教学策略
  5.1 教学方法:以学生为主体的自主探究合作学习:学生在老师的指导下,自觉地运用元认知策略、动机策略和行为策略,主动有效地进行学习,探究出适合的语言表达形式;学生在小组活动中从事学习活动,通过同伴之间的相互作用和交流,完成老师布置的任务,促成他们认知和情感目标的共同提高。
  5.2 教学辅助手段:多媒体、电脑、课件:课件的使用增强教学的直观性,使教学步骤紧凑,信息输入量充足。
  5.3 课前从网上下载马恩岛国旗、国花和无尾猫的图片。
  6 教学过程
  Step 1 Lead-in(2 minutes)
  Show the pictures of the national flag, national flower of Isle of Man and a cat
  without tail after greeting. Ask the students what country they stand for. Tell the
  students the good news that our school will organize a cultural delegation to visit
  Ballekermeen High School next June after their College Entrance Examination. Ask
  them if they wished to have such an opportunity. After they say yes, tell them only 25
  students can get the chance and since many students want to go, our school will have to
  choose the most qualified students to go there. Ask them what qualifications they think
  the students should have and why they think so. Then present the topic of a dicussion
  for the students: What qualifications do you think the students should have? Why do
  you think so? (with the topic of the discussion shown on the screen )
  Step 2 Discussion(15 minutes)
  Divide the students into groups of four and ask them to have a discussion about the
  topic for about 8 minutes. Ask each group to choose a group leader and please each
  group leader organize their discussion and write down their ideas and reasons.
  Before their discussion, provide them the following useful expressions they can
  use while discussing. (show the useful expressions on the screen)
  I think the students should be / have…. If they…, they can….
  In my opinion, the students should be / have… because….
  After about 8 minutes, let some group leaders report their opinions and give their
  reasons. At the same time the teacher writes down the proper qualifications and
  reasons on the blackboard for the students’reference while writing.
  Step 3 Individual writing(15minutes)
  The teacher tells the students that if they want to take this opportunity to visit
  Ballekermeen High School and if they think they are qualified, they must write a
  letter to Mr. Liu, who is in charge of the affair, to express the wish to go there. Ask
  them to introduce their good qualifications and explain why they want to go there.
  Meanwhile, show the Chinese requirements of writing on the screen. Before
  writing, give the students the following aspects of directions for writing the letter.
  And then give them about 15 minutes to write the letter individually. (with the
  Chinese requirements and directions for writing on the screen:
  1. which person they should use when writing (the first person)
  2. what basic tense they should use (the present indefinite tense)
  3. what main points should be contained in the letter
  (the introduction of their qualifications;
  the reasons why they want to pay the visit)
  4. what the structure of their letter should be
  Paragraph 1. the beginning of the letter Paragraph 2. the introduction
  Paragraph 3 the reasons Paragraph 4 the closing of the letter)
  Step 4 Peer-editing(8 minutes)
  Give the students some minutes to check each other’s writing and correct the
  mistakes in each other’s writing as many as possible. Before peer-editing, teach
  them how to edit others’ writing. (show the following tips on the screen:
  1. Read others’ writing with the following questions in mind
  (1)What is the main idea?
  (2)What is the writing purpose? (3)What do you like most about the writing?
  (4)What convincing details does the writer use?
  (5)Where could the writer add details to make the writing more convincing?
  (6)What areas in the writing seem unclear? How could the writer make the piece clearer?
  2. Correct the mistakes from the following aspects
  (4)The uses of joining expressions between sentences)
  Step 5 Lockstep-way of editing and evaluation(5 minutes)
  The teacher shows some students’ writings with the corrections on the
  head-projector to do editing and evaluation in the lockstep-way. Score the writing
  and assess the corrections of the students.
  Step 6 Homework
  Ask the students to surf the Internet to search some more information about the island country, Isle of Man.
  7 课后反思
  本课教学设计所采用的教学方法和进行的教学活动充分体现了以教师为主导,学生为主体的教学原则。以学生亲身经历过的事情为背景选取写作题材,让学生感到亲切真实、有话要说、有话想说;课的“导入”简单自然,很容易将学生的思维集中于思考What qualifications should the students have? 这一问题;在“讨论”环节中,学生积极性很高、讨论气氛热烈,他们在一个民主、宽松的氛围中充分发表自己对问题的看法,通过讨论学生认识问题、解决问题的能力普遍得到提高,创造性英语思维能力也得到了锻炼,讨论后小组长汇报的结果和教师适当的审题指导为学生限时独立写作作了必要的铺垫;学生的“独立写作”紧张认真,绝大多数学生在15分钟内完成了写作任务;在“伙伴编辑”活动中,运用自己已学过的英语知识纠正同伴习作中的错误,同时借鉴、欣赏和学习他人习作,达到了取长补短的效果;通过“师生共同评价”这一教学环节,学生更明白了写作的标准和评价习作的尺度。
【摘要】信息时代的到来,终身学习已逐渐成为对每个人的要求,传统的外语教学已经不能满足学生的需要。培养学生自主学习能力是英语课程改革关注的一个焦点,也是实施素质教育中一个深层次的问题。自主学习能力的培养是一个循序渐进的过程,教师应帮助学生树立自主学习意识,创造良好的自主学习氛围,对学生进行学法点拨,搭建基于现代信息技术的自主学习平台并教会学生自我评价。  【关键词】英语;自主学习能力;策略    S
目的 分析载药微球经肝动脉化疗栓塞术治疗肝癌的效果.方法 取我院收治的80例肝癌患者进行研究,按疗法分为两组,对照组40例,给予碘化油并微球栓塞剂经肝动脉化疗栓塞术治疗,
【摘要】在英语教学中,应结合教学内容、难点与突破口,注重巧设教学情景,激发学生的学习兴趣;结合实际,运用目标语言;加强听力训练和效果考核,注重目的性和有效性,可以进一步提高教学质量。  【关键词】英语;情景教学;设计  【中图分类号】G633.41【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1001-4128(2011)02-0078-01    英语教学是在缺乏英语环境的条件下进行的,学习起来枯燥乏味、抽象难懂