一九八四年底,四川日报的同志在收集、整理报纸史料中,发现了胡耀邦同志于一九五○年十月三日晚,写给《川北日报》十位同志的亲笔信。报社编委会成员进行了认真学习,感到此信写得实在好,是一份珍贵的历史文件,在今天读起来,仍感到非常亲切,富有教育意义。经请示作者同意,《新闻界》杂志首次将原信公开发表,展示历史痕迹,把它奉献给新闻战线的同行和广大读者,以期共同学习,共同前进! 解放初期,四川省设川东、川西、川南、川北四个行政区,分别出版自己的报纸;一九五二年
At the end of 1984, comrades of the Sichuan Daily collected and compiled the historical materials of the newspapers and found a personal letter written by Comrade Hu Yaobang to the ten comrades in “North Sichuan Daily” on the evening of October 3, 1950. The members of the editorial board of the newspaper carried out earnest studies and feel that the letter has been written very well. It is a precious historical document and today we are still very gracious and educational. After the author’s consent was requested, the press first published the original letter to show the historical traces and dedicated it to the colleagues and readers in the news front in order to learn together and move forward together. In the early days of the liberation, South Sichuan, northern Sichuan four administrative regions, respectively, published their own newspapers; 1952