大凡耍笔杆儿的人们最恼火的莫过于自己的文章被人窃,哪怕是“豆腐块”、“火柴盒”,尽管孔乙己说过,窃书不算偷。 A 明目张胆搞抄袭去年初,一位以文为生者一长篇纪实在某报登出,甲偷文贼照抄外寄后被刊登,乙偷文贼将甲偷文贼登出之稿再往外投,再登出。如今,甲放出风来要与乙对簿公堂。贼喊捉贼,谁赢这场抄袭官司,正宗的原作者暂不显山露水,拭目以待要看看甲乙二贼是
The most irritating thing for those who use their pencils is that their articles are stolen, even if they are “tofu blocks” or “matchboxes”, even though Kong Yi-ji has said that stealing books is not a steal. A blatant engage in plagiarism early last year, a life-long documentary published in a newspaper, a thief stolen copy of the publication was published after the thieves, thieves thieves thief thief out of the draft and then cast out , Then log out. Today, A release of the wind and B to court. Thieves cry to catch a thief, who win the plagiarism lawsuit, the original author of the original temporary significant mountain dew, wait and see look at A second thief is