A Practical Teaching Study on the Improvement of Grammar—Translation Method

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amysyz
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  【Abstract】In China, it can be found English teaching is merely for tests and college examination. All the teaching activities are Test-oriented. As time went, for the senior school students, they still can’t communicate in English efficiently, and even are too nervous to open their mouths. To solve this problem, the author tries to make good use of advantages of Grammar-Translation(GT) Method and Communicative Approach(CA). In this paper, it gives some description of practical teaching to prove the possibility of combination the GT Method with CA to improve communcative competence.
  【key words】Grammar-Translation Method; Communicative Approach teaching practice; practical teaching communcative competence
  The author did teaching practice in Changshun Middle School. All the teaching activities are Test-oriented. The teaching method is invariably Grammar-Translation(GT) dominated. Few activities, dull classroom atmosphere in class, teachers’ concern of students’ affection factors is too little. Therefore the author did some practical teaching to prove the possibility of combination the GT Method with CA to improve communcative competence. 60 students of class 6 in Grade one in Changshun senior high school were chosen to do this experiment.
  In this experiment the author used the equipments at hand such as tape-recorder, teaching cards and pictures. The textbook is Senior English for China Students’ Book (Book One). The basic purpose of teaching is to create lively classroom atmosphere, to encourage student to speak loud, and not to neglect grammar principles. So the classes were arranged by following steps:
  1. Pre-reading: After greeting and revisions, according to the text, the teacher would supply some background information. For the passage named “Opreh Winphrey”, the teacher found some materials about the successful men to read to the class. Then she played the tape-recorder and required the students to read new words aloud which they previewed ahead of class time. After this, the teacher organized the discussion about the topic “what qualities should have for a successful person?”
  2. While-reading:After the discussion, the teacher asked the students to scan the text and get the general ideas with the teacher’s help. Before reading, the teachers would give some questions to help the students understand the passage. When finishing reading, the students would find the answer to the questions and the teacher explained the difficult sentences and language points.   3. Post-reading: After finishing text, the teachers divided the class into several groups to make dialogues, stories, even plays with given topics. For the passage named “Opreh Winphrey”, the teacher gave the topic and asked students to discuss. The topic was about “what do you want to do if you want to be a successful person?” The students must use the new words and expressions as many as possible. Then the students presented their own ideas in front of the class, when necessary Chinese is allowed. Then the teacher helped them express their ideas in English. The teacher would give the students the chances to speak as many as possible. After the performance the teacher would analyze some obvious grammar mistakes and explain the important grammar points. At last, the teacher would give some homework to review the day’s lessons.
  In the class, the teacher walked around the classroom to observe the students and help them solve the problems met in the reading at any time. The teacher spoke more simple English and less Chinese, and tried her best to control teacher’s amount of talk to let the students practice more. By listening to the tape and other students’ speaking, the students’ listening ability would be trained. By showing themselves on the stage their confidence would be trained. Gradually the teacher knew every student’s characteristics and made detailed notes. The teacher paid more attention to the students who knew the answers but were not brave to speak loud, at this time, the teacher always used the proper words to encourage them, and gave them enough time to speak. In the whole teaching process, the teacher made good use of the merits of CA and GT Method. Meanwhile, she tried her best to create the lively atmosphere without more modern equipments. What deserved to be mentioned is that teachers not only teach knowledge but also concern students’ affection factors and their learning methods, to establish a harmonious relationship between students and teachers.
  According to the interview after teaching, 78% of the students got satisfying results. From their starting points, they rebuilt their self-confidence to study English, hoping the teachers give certain help as their friends. It is not difficult to find the CA does work well with the GT Method.
音乐体育美术专业招生规模近年来不断扩大,相对于普通文理科专业学生,音体美专业学生的大学英语教学“费时低效” 的矛盾日益突出,成为进一步深化大学英语教学质量的瓶颈问题。作为一名普通大学英语老师,笔者有幸在近五年内参与音乐体育美术大学英语教学的实践中,通过对音体美专业学生的教学现状分析,本着“因材施教”的原则,试图从教学管理、内容、方式和评价方面提升音体美专业学生的大学英语教学水平。  选取笔者201
【摘要】随着社会的发展,英语这门课程越来越被人们所重视,在旅游行业中,英语听力发挥着重要作用,为了提高听力的质量和效率,产出导向法应运而生。这一概念的提出是为了探究旅游英语听力的实践运用,教师在教学中,会以教材为根据,构建任务驱动—输入促成—产生评价的教学过程,通过演、听、看、说等形式,提升学生学习的主动性,培养他们的语言产出能力,构建高效的旅游英语听力课堂。  【关键词】产出导向法;旅游英语听力
2008年下半年,河南省的高中进人了新课程的教学。在近一年的日常教学中,我不仅对新教材有了较全面的认知,而且通过对其他教师优质课的观摩学习,对新课程的理念也有了深刻的理解,对新课程下政治教师应具备什么样的素质有了一点初步思考。下面就谈一谈我的浅显认识。    一、政治教师应具备较高的思想政治素质    思想政治素质,是政治教师首要的基本素质。教师的思想政治素质决定了一个教师的整体素质,决定了其从
【摘要】人工智能的发展使高校外语教师的专业发展有了新的内涵,高校外语教师面临新的挑战。高校外语教师必须更新教育教学理念,提升自身专业素养,通过培训、校本研究和反思性教学促进自身的专业发展。  【关键词】人工智能;高校外语教师;教师专业发展途径  【作者简介】吕建秀(1980-),女,汉族,山东费县人,山东医学高等专科学校,讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:英语教学与英语教师专业发展。  当前,以人工智能
【摘要】随着全球经济逐步一体化,英语越来越成为当代社会交流必不可少的语言技能,于是我国各级各类学校对于英语教学的重视度越来越高,而英语的实用性也就是听说读写能力也受到了教师和家长的高度关注。不断深入的新课程改革对中小学英语教学提出了更高的要求。本文基于当前初中英语教学现状,重点研究了提升英语听说课教学效果的方式方法,希望可以为广大初中英语教师提供一定的帮助。  【关键词】初中英语;听说课教学;情境
【摘要】合理利用多媒体资源可以提高中职生的英语阅读水平,丰富中职生的阅读世界。本文论述了多媒体在英语阅读课中的应用、引入、感知、培养和渗透。多媒体教学可以改善枯燥的英语课程,加强师生互动,激发中职生的思维,提高教学效率。  【关键词】多媒体教学;英语阅读;中职生  【作者简介】代琳,贵州省铜仁市碧江区中等职业学校。  2019年9月20日,习近平总书记考察了甘肃省张掖市山丹培黎学校。习近平强调,西
【摘要】如何正确地分析英语句子结构、准确把握英语句子语义是每一名英语初学者面临和需要解决的问题。根据英语句子一般只有一个谓语的特点,学习者可以去繁就简,在英语学习尤其是長难句的学习中,准确把握句子主干,理清逻辑关系进而提升学习效率。  【关键词】逻辑;英语;主干  【作者简介】吴昆(1982-),男,汉族,湖南永州人,火箭军工程大学,讲师,硕士,研究方向:语言翻译;孟庆勋,樊宇涛,宋恒辛,火箭军工
在小学低年级英语教学中,教师要将主要的教学目标放在学生英语学习兴趣的培养与维护上。低年级学生对故事有着与生俱来的兴趣,故事教学能够有效地激发学生的兴趣,帮他们减轻学习负担,增强学习效果。我们要遵循学生的认知规律,以科學的方法去实施故事教学,充分发挥故事教学在低年级英语教学中的优势。  一、故事教学在英语学习中的作用  1.培养学生创造性思维和独立学习能力。在实际教学过程中教师可以通过动作、图片以及
【摘要】课程的整合,是为了更符合新课程标准的要求,更快适应学科培养目标的变化,同时更好满足学生发展的需求。信息技术与英语课程的整合,能促使学生对课堂的原生态语言有更佳的体验和感受,最终帮助学生能在日常英语学习中占积极的主导地位。本文通过分析信息技术与英语课程整合方面的教学案例,对信息技术与英语课程整合进行初步的探究。  【关键词】核心素养;信息技术;英语课程整合  【作者简介】吴敏仪,广东省广州市