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近几年来,铁道部为适应建立社会主义市场 经济体制的需要,在转变政府职能、加强宏观管理、完善宏观调控体系、扩大铁路局更新改造投资决策权等方面做了大量工作和诸多努力。先后制定了一些文件和规定,这对铁路局转换经营机制起到了一定的积极推动作用,但在社会主义市场经济发展和社会主义市场经济体制建立完善过程中,随着铁路运输企业自主经营意识的增强和国有资产管理体制改革的不断深入,这些文件和规定也存在着一些问题。为了使铁路局真正成为自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展、自我约束的法人实体和市场竞争主体,铁道部应对更新改造投资管理规定进行改进和完善,使铁路局更新改造投资决策权落到实处。 In recent years, the Ministry of Railways has done a great deal of work and many efforts in adapting itself to the need of establishing a socialist market economic system, transforming its government functions, strengthening macroeconomic management, improving its macro-control system, and expanding the investment decision-making power of the Railway Administration in rebuilding and transforming itself. Some documents and regulations have been formulated. This has played a positive and proactive role in transforming the operation mechanism of the railway administration. However, with the development of the socialist market economy and the establishment and perfection of the socialist market economic system, as the awareness of autonomy of railway transport enterprises Enhancing and deepening the reform of the state-owned assets management system, there are also some problems with these documents and regulations. In order for the railway administration to truly become a legal entity that is self-employed, self-financing, self-development and self-restraining, and the main body of market competition, the Ministry of Railways shall improve and perfect the regulations on investment in renovation and improvement so that the railway bureau can make decisions on updating and reforming investment decisions.
目的探索手足口病流行的空间分布特点。方法利用杭州市2011年15个区(县)手足口病疫情数据,使用GeoDa 095i软件,采用Moran’sⅠ系数对数据进行空间自相关分析及检验。结果 201
问:能否坦白地说一下,你写得最臭的作品是哪一篇?答:思想最幼稚的,却又是废话连篇的,但绝对是充满激情的,发表时还令我激动得要死的,人们一般称为处女作的小说, Q: Can you
学习的目的全在于应用。结合我局实际,我们认为贯彻十五大精神,要在改革与发展中实现八个新突破: 一是破除因循守旧思想的束缚,在进一步解放思想,转变观念上实现新突破。没
话题 ,顾名思义 ,即谈话的中心、范围。以此确定写作的内容指向 ,启发考生思考和想像力的命题形式便可称为“话题作文”。今后数年 ,“话题作文”所提示的开放性作文思路仍将