华南地区少数民族族群来源复杂 ,结构多样。早在远古时代就有许多原始族群活跃在华南 ,族群之间不断互动、涵化 ,到清朝基本定型为三个层次。华南族群中既包括少数民族族群 ,也包括汉族族群。各族群的认同基本上都是从族源认同和语言认同两个方面来概定 ,其中 ,语言认同方面汉族族群的方言比少数民族族群的方言种类更多 ,内容更丰富
The ethnic minorities in South China are complex in origin and diverse in structure. As early as in ancient times, many primitive ethnic groups were active in southern China. Their ethnic groups constantly interacted with each other and accorded with them. The basic stereotypes of the Qing Dynasty were three levels. South China ethnic groups include both ethnic minorities and Han ethnic groups. The identification of all ethnic groups is basically based on two aspects of ethnic identity and language identity. The dialect of the Han ethnic group is more dialectal than the minority ethnic group in linguistic identity,