In order to overcome the confusion of time and place of different longitudes caused by the use of local time, unified time standards, in an international longitude meeting held in Washington in 1884, the participating countries created a standard time system applied worldwide: the provisions of every longitude 15° is classified as a time zone, and the world is divided into 24 time zones according to longitude. Each time zone uses the time of the central area’s central meridian line as the common use time of the whole area, which is called time zone. The time difference between the two adjacent time zones is a whole one hour apart, with the east time zone being earlier than the time zone. However, this is a theoretical standard time system. It differs only by its longitude. It does not consider the land and sea distribution and political territory on Earth. It is therefore only applicable to navigation. In reality, regardless of the time zone or the adoption of standards, the practices of various countries and regions are different.