1病例资料例1,女,47岁,因卵巢肿物、盆腔感染于2012年9月5日来我院妇科病房住院治疗。既往体健,否认药物过敏史。体格检查:体温37℃,脉搏78次/min,呼吸19次/min,血压120/80 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa)。因盆腔感染医嘱给予替硝唑注射液100 ml(0.4 g),每日2次静脉滴注。9月5日第1次滴注替硝唑注射液,停液约1 h出现头痛、恶心的症状,未做处理;9月6日再次滴注0.4 g替硝唑注射液约20 min,患者又出现头痛、恶心的症状,头痛明显,不能忍受,医嘱布洛芬(芬必得)0.3 g缓解头痛;9月7日,调慢替硝唑注射液滴速,患者仍诉明显头痛、恶心;9月8日医嘱停用该药,未再出现头痛、恶心症状。例2,女,27岁,患者于2013年7月17日来我院妇科门诊就医,医师诊断为盆腔炎。处方:替硝唑氯化钠注
Case data 1 cases, female, 47 years old, due to ovarian tumors, pelvic infection in September 5, 2012 came to our hospital gynecological ward hospitalization. Past physical health, denied the history of drug allergies. Physical examination: body temperature 37 ℃, pulse 78 beats / min, breathing 19 times / min, blood pressure 120/80 mm Hg (1 mm Hg = 0.133 kPa). Because of pelvic infection prescribed tinidazole injection 100 ml (0.4 g), 2 times a day intravenous infusion. September 5, the first infusion of tinidazole injection, stop the fluid for about 1 h headache, nausea symptoms, did not do; on September 6 again 0.4 g tinidazole injection for about 20 min, patients Appeared again headache, nausea symptoms, headache was obvious, can not stand, the doctor ordered ibuprofen (Fenbid) 0.3 g to ease the headache; September 7, to slow down tinidazole infusion drop rate, the patient still complained of obvious headache, nausea; September 8, the doctor ordered the withdrawal of the drug, no recurrence of headache, nausea symptoms. Example 2, female, 27 years old, came to our gynecological clinic for medical treatment on July 17, 2013, and the doctor diagnosed pelvic inflammatory disease. Prescription: tinidazole sodium chloride Note