国有企业在迈向建立现代企业制度的进程中,出现了效益低下,亏损面宽额大的状况。如何积极稳妥地改变这种现状,使之在市场经济的角逐中重振雄风,已成为目前经济界和理论界的有识之士普遍关注的热点问题。 国有企业亏损的原因是多方面的,如:宏观经济环境不宽松、企业富余人员多、债务负担重、企业办社会、政企不分、机制不活等。但
In the process of moving towards the establishment of a modern enterprise system, state-owned enterprises have experienced low profits and a large amount of losses. How to actively and steadily change this status quo and reinvigorate the market in the competition of the market economy has become a hot issue that is widely concerned by insightful people in the economic and theoretical circles. There are many reasons for the loss of state-owned enterprises, such as: the macroeconomic environment is not loose, there are many surplus employees, the debt burden is heavy, the enterprises run the society, the government and the enterprise do not divide, the mechanism does not live. but