学生的违法犯罪行为,比如男生过失杀伤、女生早恋沦落,已成为影响家庭、学校和社会稳定的一个很不利因素。对他们的科学管教,成为摆在教育工作者面前的一个严肃课题。 从精神病理学的角度看,这些学生的个性心理特征一般属于外倾攻击型和内向意志型。 强外倾攻击型的男生,家庭管教上一般过于放纵或严酷。他们的过失行为,虽有随机性与必然性的区别,但大都具有盲动、盲从的特点。一旦生理上的潜能和心理上的潜意识无法发泄,便会在侥幸心理的支配下,寻衅滋事,如遇重大事
Students’ criminal activities, such as male victimization and loss of puppy love, have become a very unfavorable factor that affects the stability of families, schools and the community. The discipline of science has become a serious issue for educators. From a psychopathological point of view, the personality traits of these students generally belong to cadet aggression and introverted volitional. Strong-aggressive offensive boys, family discipline generally indulgent or harsh. Although their negligence behavior is different from randomness and necessity, most of them have the characteristics of blind obedience and blind obedience. Once the physical potential and psychological subconscious unable to vent, it will be under the luck of the psychological control, in trouble, in case of major events