在一群人里怎样才可以令她对你另眼相看呢? 以下便有16个“博好感”的方法,使她在一大群人中对你留下好印象。试试看,听说效果不错哦。 1.表现关怀女性都需要别人对她多些关心和照顾,尤其是在一些小事上,更容易引起她的感觉。例如,在寒冷时送她一条颈巾,便是一个行之有效的简单方法。 2.视线接触利用视线的相互接触,也是令她对你留下印象的好方法。当她发觉你不时地望着她时,她肯定会有一种特别的感觉。
How can she be treated differently to a group of people? Here are 16 ways to “feel good” so that she can impress you on a large group of people. Try, I heard that the effect is good. 1. The performance of caring women need someone more care and care for her, especially in some small things, more likely to arouse her feelings. For example, giving her a scarf in the cold can be a simple and effective way. 2. Sight contact The use of eye contact with each other, but also make her a good way to impress you. When she finds you looking at her from time to time, she will certainly have a special feeling.