The Relationship between Translation Theory and Practice —the “Tao” and “Implement” in Translation

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  【Abstract】There are four kinds of attitudes towards the relationship between translation theory and practice, and the Tao and Implement of the translation play an irreplaceable role in translation. In order to understand the relationship between translation theory and practice, through the relation of Tao and implement this paper focuses on discussion about their roles in the translation process: complementary or irrelevant?
  【Key words】translation theory and practice; relationship; the Tao and Implement
  1. Introduction
  On December 29, 2016 I was fortunate enough to listen to the professional lecture which was entitled “The Tao and implement in translation” by the professor Zhao Yanchun. Zhao explained the nature of Tao and implement in translation:“道” should be translated “word”, but not “Tao”. (While here the author also translated the “道” to “Tao”, that is the official call.) But what is “Tao”?What is the “implement” and what’s the roles they play in translation?This sentence “The Tao that can be trodden is not the enduring and unchanging Tao. The name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name.” made me lost in thought. How do “Tao” and “implement” exist and use in translation?This paper studies the relationship between translation theory and practice from the perspective of “Tao and the implement” in order to has a deep understanding of its relationship in TS.
  2. The Tao and Implement in Translation
  This sentence “道可道非常道,名可名非常名” is the opening sentences in Tao Te Ching. but what’s the meanings of this sentence?
  2.1 The Tao in Translation
  What is “Tao”?“Tao” means the rule—the rule of nature and life. The opening sentences in Tao Te Ching means that the law of life can be known and grasped, but it is not what we usually know. In translation, “Tao” refers to the standard of translation, in translation theory, it refers to “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance”.
  2.2 The Implement in Translation
  《周易·系辭上》:“形而上者谓之道,形而下者谓之器。” “Tao” refers to the law by which heaven and earth or yin and yang change and it’s intangible, so called “metaphysical”, “the Implement” refers to the tangible things and objects, so it’s called “physics”. “The implement in translation” guides the translation process and translation criticism by combing “meaning, construct and spirit”.
  2.3 The Relationship of the Tao and Implement in Translation
  “天下唯器,道者器之道,无其器则无其道” which belongs to the ancient native materialism, and the implement refers to material, the Tao refers to the consciousness. The world is composed of material, and consciousness is just the embodiment of the material, so there is no consciousness without material. For example, the blade is very sharp, which “blade” is “implement” and “sharp” is “Tao”. So there is no sharp if without the blade ,sharp means that the blade is sharp, it can not exist independently. So “Tao” and “Implement” is complementary, not be away.   3. The Possible Relationship between Translation Theory and Practice
  Since several discussions about the relationship between the Tao and Implement in translation, the attitudes towards to the relationship between theory and practice can be divided into four types: practice priority, people stick to the practice and they hold that the theories come from the practice and guide practice, but the practice always place the first, the theory second; theory and practice hold the equal proportion, it emphasizes that role of theory guiding the practice; theoretical priority, the theory can not only be limited to “how to translate”, the role of theory is to improve the cognitive ability, to emphasize the promotion of the academic value and theoretical innovation; theory useless, theory is just theory, practice is just practice, theory has no guiding role to practice.
  Tao and implement are linked together, they cannot exist independently. So in the translation process, translation theory and practice are interdependent with each other, they can not exist without the other. The theory comes from practice, in turn, theory guides the practice.And practice paved the way for theory. Basing on translation practice, people promote their translation abilities. They two supplement each other.
  4. Conclusion
  In the study of translatology, the theory of “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance” is “Tao”, the translation process and translation criticism are guided by the “triple play” of “meaning, construct and spirit”. This theory of translation contributed to a deep understanding of the relationship between translation studies and practice. Translation theory and practice are linked together by direct or indirect way. Whether from view of philosophy or literary translation, the Tao and implement are inseparable, translation theory and practice can not be completely separated, they supplement each other, the theory guides practice, and practice paves the way for the theory.
  [1]Herman Paul(1880).Principles of Language History.Andesite Press.
【摘要】问题链是指教师为达到预期的教学目标而向学生抛出的一组相互关联的问题。问题链的主要作用是对学生的自主学习进行引导,起到保证学习效率、培养素养发展的目标。问题链与绘本阅读相结合,可以解决小学生在自主阅读课外英语绘本的时候不愿读、不能读、低收益的问题。本文探讨小学英语绘本阅读问题链设计中需要把握的几个要点及其设计策略。  【关键词】小学;英语;绘本阅读;问题链;设计  【作者简介】李雁,苏州工业
纵观近5年的高考政治试题,继续围绕教材知识和考纲要求的四种能力——获取和解读信息的能力、调动和运用知识的能力、描述和阐释事物的能力、论证和探究问题的能力,对学生进行全面考查。而且试题越来越体现了高考命题的开放性、探索性的特征,不断向生活延伸,实现了对考生情感、态度、价值观的引导与考查。  下面,笔者就结合2013年全国新课标Ⅱ卷38题谈一下现在高考试题给我们带来的启示。  一、原题再现  例.(2
教育部教育管理信息中心给微课下的定义是:微课是以教学视频为主要呈现方式,围绕学科知识点、例题习题、疑难问题、实验操作等进行的教学过程及相关资源的有机结合体。“微课 课堂教学”对于教育来说是一个不可多得的契机,通过发挥微课的积极作用,使学生在开放的环境中进行学习和互动,锻炼他们在自主学习中获取、筛选、传递、加工信息的能力,调动学习积极性、主动性,提高学习质量。“微课 课堂教学”的不断深入,能够通过信
导学案是教师在一定的教育教学理念指导下,通过对教学目标和特定学情的研究,指导学生自主学习、自主探究的材料依据。实施导学案,要关注学生学习方式的改善,倡导自主探究,使学生真正成为学习的主人。那么,如何科学设计和有效实施导学案以提升高三历史一轮复习课堂效率呢?下面笔者就人教版高中历史必修3《近代中国的思想解放潮流》为例浅谈几点思考。  一、基础复习前置,提高课堂效率  高考一轮复习是在考纲和课标基础上
随着我国课改的不断深入,初中历史教学亟须改革。传统的初中历史教学发展,已经不能满足当下对历史学科的要求以及学生历史能力的发展。创新教学是初中历史改革的重要方法,有利于培养学生的综合能力、学科素养。  一、强化科目特色  教师作为创新教学的直接使用者,要对教学设计进行创新,突出初中历史的科目特色。教师要改变以往边读教材边讲知识的教学方法,先从宏观角度了解所有知识,这样才能更好地把重点、难点教授给学生
有人说,教改就是一场战争;有人说,教改就是吃苦;也有人说,教改就是学着别人干……说教改是战争太过残酷,说教改是吃苦太过悲观,说教改是学着别人干太过被动。我倒觉得教改是一个个故事,虽然故事里会有艰辛和孤独,但终究会有成功的喜悦和幸福。下面笔者就自己十年来教改工作中发生的小故事与大家分享。  故事一:  高中思想政治课较抽象,对于从农村初中升上来的高中学生而言尤其难理解,而且由于我刚参加工作不久,缺乏