Auriculotherapy in primary health care: A large-scale educational experience in Brazil

来源 :结合医学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:net917208
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Auriculotherapy consists of physical stimuli applied to the outer ear and is commonly associated with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).The authors present and discuss the development of a course that offers a semi-on-site auriculotherapy course for Brazilian primary health care (PHC) professionals.The course was funded by the Brazilian Ministry of Health and developed at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in 2015 by a team of experts in auriculotherapy.It consisted of 75 h of distance leing (five sequential modules) and 5 h of on-site leing.The modules included the following items:(1) introduction to integrative practices;(2) ear reflexology;(3) introduction to TCM;(4) biomedical view of auriculotherapy;and (5) auriculotherapy in PHC.The teaching material included a workbook for each module,14 video lectures and an interactive ear (online resource) to study location and application to the main auricular points.The on-site lectures follow a structured script of ear palpation techniques,auricular seed insertion practice and clinical case discussions,under the supervision of trained instructors.The course was offered in 2016 and 2017 and on-site lectures took place in 25 cities,covering all Brazilian regions,in coordination with municipal or state boards of health.A total of 4273 health professionals concluded the training and their evaluation of the course was highly positive.The Brazilian experience of large-scale training shows the potential to disseminate auriculotherapy in the context of PHC,given that its practice is fast,easy to le,safe,effective for different health problems and well accepted by the patients.
一位朋友最近做了胆囊切除,医生叮嘱不要吃油荤食物。他认为营养高的食物大多是油荤的,如果忌嘴,怎样能保证得到足够的营养呢?带着这个令他困惑的问题,在一个周六的上午,他特地来找我咨询。  我告诉他,医生嘱咐刚刚做了胆囊摘除的病人忌吃富含脂肪食物是完全正确的。因为胆囊是贮存由肝脏产生胆汁的地方。在胆囊里,胆汁得以浓缩、贮存,在必要时排到肠道内。这样可以减轻胆道的压力,让肝脏从容不迫地分泌胆汁。当我们进餐