我院近年来采用奥美拉唑预防非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDS)相关性溃疡,临床疗效显著,现总结报告如下。1 资料和方法1.1 一般资料 本组病人共58例,其中男31例,女27例,年龄12~82岁,平均42.8岁,全部病例按入院先后随机分为甲组32例,乙组26例,入选患者均系长期或大剂量服用NSAIDS的高危患者,治疗前排除原有消化性溃疡。1.2 治疗方法及疗效判断 在继续NSAIDS治疗的同时,甲组:每日晨服奥美拉唑(Omeprazole)又名洛赛克20mg;乙组:早、晚各服雷尼替丁(Ranitidine)又名AH-19065 0.15g;服药第6周末复查胃镜,以不出现新的消化性溃疡为有效,其余均视为无效。1.3 结果及不良反应 甲组无1例发生消化性溃疡,总有效率100%,乙组溃疡发生率6.7%,两组数据经X~2检验差异具有非常显著性(P<0.01)。除乙组便秘1例,失眠1例外,未发现其
Omeprazole in our hospital in recent years to prevent non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) -related ulcers, clinical significant effect, are summarized as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 General Information The group of patients a total of 58 cases, including 31 males and 27 females, aged 12 to 82 years, mean 42.8 years old. All cases were randomly divided into group A, 32 cases in group B, 26 cases in group B Patients were enrolled in high-risk patients who took long-term or high-dose NSAIDS. Patients with peptic ulcer were excluded before treatment. 1.2 Treatment and efficacy judgment In the continuation of NSAIDS treatment at the same time, Group A: Daily morning service omeprazole (Omeprazole), also known as Losec 20mg; Group B: morning and evening Ranitidine Name AH-19065 0.15g; taking the medicine at the end of the 6th weekend to review the gastroscope to not appear new peptic ulcer is effective, the rest are considered invalid. 1.3 Results and adverse reactions in group A without peptic ulcer, the total effective rate was 100%, the incidence of ulcer in group B 6.7%, two groups of data by X ~ 2 test was significantly different (P <0.01). In addition to group B constipation in 1 case, 1 case of insomnia, did not find it