日前,住房和城乡建设部、工业和信息化部通报了2013年高强钢筋推广应用情况。通报指出,各地已基本建立了协同工作机制,制订并实施了推广应用工作方案,生产企业和工程项目能够认真执行相关标准规范,400 MPa钢筋供应充足、价格平稳、普遍应用,高强钢筋推广应用和示范各项工作进展顺利。截至2013年年底,全国28个省(区、市)上报了自查材料。两部门于去年11月组成5个检查组,对黑龙
Recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology informed the promotion and application of high-strength steel bars in 2013. The circular pointed out that all localities have basically established a synergistic working mechanism and formulated and implemented a program of popularization and application. Production enterprises and construction projects can earnestly implement relevant standards and regulations. The supply of 400 MPa reinforcing steel is sufficient, the price is stable, universal application and popularization and application of high-strength reinforcing steel are available Demonstration of various work is progressing well. As of the end of 2013, 28 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) across the country reported self-examination materials. The two departments formed five inspection teams in November last year on Black Dragon