Radiating into neighboring markets

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  From 15 to 17, January, 2015,the major exhibition industrial event of CEFCO drew the world exhibition professionals’ attention to Kunming, Yunnan province in south China.
  Favourbly located in the meeting point of East Asia, southeast Asia, and south Asia, the province has long been regarded as the crossroads between China and neighboring countries, and crossing road maps also play a role in the gate fame of the province.
  In recent years, thanks to the geographic advantages of the region and the support of national policies, a series of brand domestic exhibition have emerged in Yunnan, among which are China-South Asia Expo and the 22nd China Import & Export Fair Kunming. In recent years, more upto-date exhibition venues are being built up to accommodate rising numbers of exhibitors and audiences. Rich tourist resources in the province also proves to be appealing for event organizers and attendees.
  In recent years, in addition to local brand exhibitions, Yunnan exhibition authorities also take the opportunities of exhibiting abroad to promote brand domestic exhibitions. The footprints covered Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Burma, Combodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, France, UK, Sri Lanka and so on.

  In assisting local companies to better enter international market, local exhibition authorities took the initiative to host training sessions to equip businesses with practical advice. Some of the most popular topics were: how to avoid international trade risks and disputes, legal risks of international trade, business negotiation and marketing.
  In the 2015 Milan World Expo beginning in May this year, Yunnan province will also participate as part of the Chinese national pavilion, displaying the local agriculture spectacle of?terrace,tea, and subtropical dragon fruit.
科隆展览公司董事总经理Katharina Hamma认为,展会是否需要主宾国,主要与展会的营销有关系。“如果我们认为某个国家有很多潜力可以在展会上呈现,我们就会邀请这个国家作为展会的主宾国。主宾国的地位将促使更多展商从这个国家前来参展;另一方面,也能加强我们在该国的业务联系。”一个合适的主宾国可以通过展会扩大知名度,尤其是在展会中有相关配套活动的情况下。Katharina Hamma指出,这对从主
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Historical records of Thailand’s involvement in exhibition related activities can be traced back to 1862. In 1862 and 1882, Thailand participated in the London and Paris World Expositions(World Expo)
As strategic trade partners, China and the United Arab Emirates (“the UAE” hereafter) have been enjoying a win-win complementary partnership with one another and they are playing an important role in
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记者:云南是中国面向东南亚、南亚沿边开放的前沿和门户。请您介绍一下云南会展业发展的优势条件有哪些?  王开良:首先,云南具有独特的区位优势,地处东亚、东南亚和南亚结合部;在交通上,跨越亚洲六大河流,形成自然的“国际大通道”,出入境公路、铁路、水运航道联通国内与周边国家,具有不可替代的中心枢纽地位。  其次,云南具有成熟的办会经验。中国—南亚博览会、中国昆明进出口商品交易会等展会的成功举办,为中国与
记者:PTP展览公司是印度尼西亚知名的展会主办方。请介绍一下公司展览会涵盖的领域以及见证了印尼展览市场的哪些变化?  Ben:PTP展览公司在印尼举办国际展览会已有超过30年的历史。多年来,我们的展览会项目不断壮大,以适应印尼商业领域日益增长的需要。我们有四个主要的展览会集群:能源和矿产资源;制造业;食品与酒店业;IT和基础设施建设。  随着印尼制造业领域的国内和国际投资不断加大,PTP旗下Man
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From 21-30, January, 2015, the business group organized by China International Conference and Exhibition magazine agency visited Australia and New Zealand to explore exhibition infrastructures and ser
进口关税税率  关税总水平将仍为9.8%  我国加入世贸组织的降税承诺已于2010年全部履行完毕,2015年最惠国税率维持不变,我国关税总水平将仍为9.8%,其中农产品平均税率为15.1%,工业品平均税率为8.9%。  仍将维持10个非全税目信息技术产品实行海关核查管理;  继续对小麦等8类47个税目商品实施关税配额管理,其税目和税率维持不变,其中对尿素、复合肥、磷酸氢二铵三种化肥的配额税率继续实