Manufacturing Indonesia 2014: going deeper into Indonesia market

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  Manufacturing Indonesia 2014 Series as the largest manufacturing event in South East Asia will take place from 3-6, December 2014. Incorporating Machine Tool Indonesia, Automation & Logistics Indonesia, plus Tool & Hardware Indonesia, the globally attended event is the foremost machine tool trading and sourcing platform in Asia and the best place to find latest trends and innovations in the industry.
  The 2013 edition attracted more than 35,000 high quality, highly targeted visitors from all manufacturing and engineering sectors throughout Indonesia. There will be exhibitors such as manufacturers, producers, solution and service providers of machine tool and automation covering a wide range of categories such as machines & tools, boring machines, drilling machines, electro erosion machines, machines for producing bolts, screws, quality control/ inspection equipments & systems, material handling equipments, and much more.
  In a recent survey, Frost & Sullivan is optimistic on growth in Indonesia’s machine tools and cutting tools market due to the individual growth of the mining, power generation, automobile, aerospace & defence industry.?The last session saw the increasing willingness of Chinese exhibitors to explore the local market. According to the agent company of the host Allworld Exhibitions, Beijing Bunch Exhibition Services Ltd, last year, many of the Chinese exhibits were sold out before the conclusion of the exhibition, and some Chinese exhibitors even submitted the exhibition application on site.
中国(约旦)商品展(以下简称约旦展)由中国上海市商务委员会、上海市经济和信息化委员会、上海市国有资产监督管理委员会等机构联合主办,米奥兰特国际会展承办,并得到商务部西亚非洲司、中国商务部贸易发展局、中国驻约旦大使馆、约旦商工会、伊拉克商工会、巴勒斯坦商工会等中国与中近东地区贸促机构的大力支持。  中近东地区包括东南欧、非洲东北部以及西亚附近地区, 涵盖约旦、伊拉克、黎巴嫩、以色列、叙利亚、巴勒斯坦
The 12th China Engineering& Technology ExpoSri Lanka(CET2013),hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of P.R.China and organized by CMEC InternationalExhibition Co. , Ltd., was held from 13th to 17th in No
马德里国际会议中心坐落在马德里市中心,临近市内最好的餐厅和购物中心,紧邻Nuevos Ministerios火车站,正坐落在皇家马德里体育馆前面。会议中心有着优良的硬件设施,更有超过40年的会议举办经验,是全球优秀会议中心之一。  会展中心的主要业务是租赁场馆内的设施,举办大会、各类会议、展览等活动,并根据展会主办方的要求提供各类服务。  马德里会展中心集中反映了马德里与西班牙的会议与会奖旅游市场
The 10th China Fair Jordan was co-hosted by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, Shanghai Municipal Commission Of Economy and Informatization, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administrati
What role does a company’s online presence play and how can visitors find a trade fair website? Most of them come via type-in traffic or a search engine.  The basic concept behind the web design of me
布里斯班国际会展中心是澳大利亚最知名的场馆之一,荣获国际会议中心协会品质评估标准金质奖章,并分别三次被官方评定为全球会议中心三甲之一。  布里斯班会展中心坐落在城市南岸河畔文化与艺术中心,地理位置绝佳。会展中心提供一系列专业的室内服务项目,力争将每一场会议活动办得精彩。  最近,布里斯班会展中心新增了第五层,增加了52%的场馆面积,并确立了该会展中心作为澳大利亚最灵活的会展中心的地位。现在,每年新
2013年11月13-17日,由中华人民共和国商务部主办、西麦克展览公司(CMEC)承办、并得到斯里兰卡工商部、中国驻斯里兰卡大使馆、中国对外承包工程商会、中国机械设备工程股份有限公司支持的第12届中国工程技术展(China Engineering & Technology ExpoSri Lanka,CET 2013)在斯里兰卡首都科伦坡民艺中心举行。本届展会在展览展示、配套活动、媒体宣传等各个
From 20th to 22nd August 2013, CONSTRUCTION EXPO2013, the biggest construction exhibition in Sri Lanka, took place in BIMCH center in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka. Some 30 Chinese enterprises par
2013年11月5-9日,由商务部贸易发展事务局和山东省商务厅主办,山东正和国际展览有限公司(以下简称“山东正和”)承办的2013年尼日利亚(拉各斯)中国商品展(China Commodities Expo-Nigeria)以拉各斯国际贸易展“展中展”的形式,在尼日利亚拉各斯TBS广场成功举办。  拉各斯国际贸易展由拉各斯工商会主办,尼联邦政府和拉各斯州政府协办。该展会始办于1981年,自1986
《出展世界》:纺织品进出口商会在组织国内相关行业企业出国参展方面有着很长的历史,请问商会在选择境外优秀展会方面有哪些经验?当前,国内纺织展会与国际品牌同类展会相比,可以借鉴哪些优秀的办展经验?存在的最大短板是什么?  对中国外贸企业来讲,参加境外纺织品专业展会是其有效和难得的宣传和学习机会,企业不仅可以在展会上结识新的客户,会见老客户,还可以通过展会提供的各种讲座、论坛和流行趋势发布学到很多国际最