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  Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) is Australia’s most awarded venue and has been officially ranked among the top three convention centres world-wide on three separate occasions.
  BCEC on Grey Street, the Centre’s new five level, $140 million boutique expansion, increases the Centres convention space by 52% and establishes BCEC as Australia’s most flexible meeting and events venue.
  The expanded venue boasts three stand alone tiered plenary halls and a total of 44 meeting rooms and event spaces. Specifically designed for smaller and medium sized meetings, BCEC on Grey Streets niche nature of the development is proving a popular proposition for meeting planners.
  BCEC is centrally located in the city’s unique riverside precinct at South Bank, home to Brisbane’s thriving arts and cultural community. The Centre offers a comprehensive range of fully integrated in-house services delivered by our team of experienced professionals whose commitment to excellence extends across all events.
Kazakhstan is the most powerful nations of the Central Asian economy with solid heavy industry foundation and rich natural resources of oil and natural gas and other mineral products. In recent years,
阿德莱德是一个交通便利、旅行便捷、物价合理、风景如画的生态型海滨城市。 由于交通便捷,阿德莱德也被称为世界闻名的“20分钟城市”。会议行业屡获殊荣的阿德莱德会议中心便坐落在离该市国际机场20分钟车程的地方。阿德莱德会议中心于1987年正式启用,是澳大利亚第一个专门的会议展览中心。  阿德莱德会议中心的建造在那个年代来说是一项特殊使命,即通过举办各类活动来促进旅游业发展,从而达到“为南澳创造经济效益
雅典麦加伦国际会议中心是希腊一座美丽别致、设备齐全的会议中心。总面积14万平方米,18个会议区,空间广阔,接待区也宽敞明亮。作为雅典音乐厅协会成员场馆的一部分,自1991年开业以来,以优异精良的设施在国际上赢得声誉。设施包括音效极佳的大礼堂与具有多层结构的接待区,为会议活动的主办方提供丰富的选择。  会议中心具有尖端的设备技术与舞台系统,同时所有的声像设备都连接到会议中心自带的达到广播标准的录音棚
Together with Bauma in Germany and Conexpo-Con/ Agg in Las Vegas, INTERMAT Paris as one of the three most renown exhibitions in the engineering world, is held every three years in Paris. INTERMAT show
Reporter: The Pattaya Exhibition And Convention Hall (PEACH) is a widely acclaimed event venue in Thailand. Could you briefly introduce its features?  Vathanakul: PEACH, a prominent flagship of the Ro
中国(约旦)商品展(以下简称约旦展)由中国上海市商务委员会、上海市经济和信息化委员会、上海市国有资产监督管理委员会等机构联合主办,米奥兰特国际会展承办,并得到商务部西亚非洲司、中国商务部贸易发展局、中国驻约旦大使馆、约旦商工会、伊拉克商工会、巴勒斯坦商工会等中国与中近东地区贸促机构的大力支持。  中近东地区包括东南欧、非洲东北部以及西亚附近地区, 涵盖约旦、伊拉克、黎巴嫩、以色列、叙利亚、巴勒斯坦
The 12th China Engineering& Technology ExpoSri Lanka(CET2013),hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of P.R.China and organized by CMEC InternationalExhibition Co. , Ltd., was held from 13th to 17th in No
马德里国际会议中心坐落在马德里市中心,临近市内最好的餐厅和购物中心,紧邻Nuevos Ministerios火车站,正坐落在皇家马德里体育馆前面。会议中心有着优良的硬件设施,更有超过40年的会议举办经验,是全球优秀会议中心之一。  会展中心的主要业务是租赁场馆内的设施,举办大会、各类会议、展览等活动,并根据展会主办方的要求提供各类服务。  马德里会展中心集中反映了马德里与西班牙的会议与会奖旅游市场
The 10th China Fair Jordan was co-hosted by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, Shanghai Municipal Commission Of Economy and Informatization, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administrati
What role does a company’s online presence play and how can visitors find a trade fair website? Most of them come via type-in traffic or a search engine.  The basic concept behind the web design of me