QoS-guaranteed packet scheduling in wireless networks

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:InsideCpp
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To guarantee the quality of service(QoS)of a wireless network,a new packet scheduling algorithm using cross-layer design technique is proposed in this article.First,the demand of packet scheduling for multimedia transmission in wireless networks and the deficiency of the existing packet scheduling algorithms are analyzed.Then the model of the QoS-guaranteed packet scheduling(QPS)algorithm of high speed downlink packet access(HSDPA)and the cost function of packet transmission are designed.The calculation method of packet delay time for wireless channels is expounded in detail,and complete steps to realize the QPS algorithm are also given.The simulation results show that the QPS algorithm that provides the scheduling sequence of packets with calculated values can effectively improve the performance of delay and throughput. To guarantee the quality of service (QoS) of a wireless network, a new packet scheduling algorithm using cross-layer design technique is proposed in this article. First, the demand of packet scheduling for multimedia transmission in wireless networks and the deficiency of the existing packet scheduling algorithms are analyzed. The model of the QoS-guaranteed packet scheduling (QPS) algorithm of high speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) and the cost function of packet transmissions are designed. calculation method of packet delay time for wireless channels is expounded in detail, and complete steps to realize the QPS algorithm are also given. The simulation results show the the QPS algorithm that provides the scheduling sequence of packets with calculated values ​​can effectively improve the performance of delay and throughput.
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