目的探讨儿童哮喘发作期临床证型分布特点与用药规律。方法纳入符合条件的儿童哮喘发作期患儿161例,以其证型及中药处方为研究点,使用SPSS 19.0统计学软件,探讨儿童哮喘发作期证型分布特点及中医用药规律。结果儿童哮喘急性期证型分布居于首位的是热性哮喘证,与其他证型相比有显著差异(P<0.01),用药方面紫菀、款冬花、蝉蜕、僵蚕、桑白皮、化橘红、橘络、葶苈子、川贝母、炙枇杷叶、鱼腥草、大青叶为常用药物,类别方面以化痰止咳平喘药、清热药、理气药、平肝熄风药为主。结论儿童哮喘发作期中医证型以热性哮喘证为主,在临床用药过程中应以清热化痰、止咳平喘为主,同时兼用理气、平肝息风之药。
Objective To investigate the characteristics of clinical syndromes in children with asthma attacks and the rule of administration. Methods A total of 161 eligible children with asthma attack were enrolled in this study. Their syndrome types and prescriptions of Chinese medicine were used as research points. The statistical software SPSS 19.0 was used to investigate the distribution characteristics of syndromes in children with asthma attacks and the regularity of TCM treatment. Results The distribution of syndromes in children with acute asthma in the first place was a syndrome of heat asthma, which was significantly different from other syndromes (P <0.01). Ascites, Coltsfoot, cicada, silkworm, , Orange, razor clam, Fritillaria, Sunburn loquat leaves, Houttuynia, Folium is a commonly used drugs, categories to Huatanzhike asthma drugs, heat-clearing drugs, qi medicine, mainly Pinggan Xifeng medicine . Conclusions The TCM syndromes of children with asthma exacerbation mainly depend on the syndrome of heat asthma. During the course of clinical medication, they should be treated by clearing away phlegm and relieving cough and asthma.