江苏省洪泽县岔河镇滨河村电工陈洪才收电费,相当轻松,关键是他当村电工平时能全心全意地为农民兄弟排忧解难,树立自己的形象。 芦玉喜是位老实巴交的庄户人,去年承包了村里46亩渔塘,8月16日凌晨,大雾弥漫,渔塘里的鱼因缺氧全部浮头,如不及时加水增氧,投资的3万多元将毁于一旦。这位从来不与机电打交道的芦玉喜急得象热锅里的蚂蚁,妻子见状,嚎陶大哭。陈洪才被哭声惊醒并得知情况后,主动将自家的潜水泵拖到芦玉喜的塘口,为其架泵接电,经过近1小时的紧张安装,滔滔河水源源不断地流入渔塘,鱼儿得救了。恰在这月,芦玉喜用电费61.1元,他不声不响地从邻居家借了60元钱,送到陈洪才家,结清了电费。 其实,陈洪才的表率作用也帮了他工作的忙,他是土生土长的滨河人,家族大、亲戚多。但他却能与用户一样按月抄表,按章收费。一次,他在抄表中发现弟弟家窃电,当即对他按规定罚款,他弟弟认为是说说而
Electrician Chen Hong of Binhe Village in Luohe County, Jiangsu Province received electricity bills. It was quite easy. The key was that he was a village electrician who could devote himself wholeheartedly to solving problems for his peasant brothers and establishing his own image. Lu Yuxi is an honest villager who last year contracted 46 acres of fish ponds in the village. In the early morning of August 16th, the fog was filled with fish. The fish in the fish ponds floated due to lack of oxygen. If they did not add oxygen in time, they invested 30,000 yuan. Diversification will be destroyed once. Lu Yuxi, who has never dealt with electromechanics, was anxious as an ant in a hot pot. When his wife saw him, she cried. Chen Hongcai was awakened by the cry and learned of the situation. He actively took his own submersible pump and drove it to the mouth of Lu Yuxi’s Tangkou. The electricity supply to the pump was completed. After an hour of intense installation, the water from the Luohe River continuously flowed into the fish pond. The child was saved. Just this month, Lu Yuxi spent 61.1 yuan on electricity. He quietly borrowed 60 yuan from his neighbor to Chen Hongcai and settled the electricity bill. In fact, Chen Hongcai’s exemplary role also helped him with his work. He is a native of the riverfront, with a large family and relatives. But he was able to read the monthly bills as he did with the user, and charge by chapter. Once, in the meter reading, he found that his brother’s family had stolen electricity and immediately imposed fines on him. His younger brother believed that he was talking about