一 2002年,是秦皇岛港改革发展极具历史意义的一年。这一年,作为国家直接管理的港口,秦皇岛港最后一个下放地方,交河北省管理,为港口发展充分发挥地方和行业两个积极性创造了有利条件;这一年,秦皇岛港拉开公司制改造的帷幕,由秦皇岛港务局改制为秦皇岛港务集团有限公司,成为我国沿海主要港口率先实行公司制改造的港口企业;这一年,港口各项工作以“三个代表”为指导,在生产能力趋于饱和的情况下,坚定信心,克服困难,立足市场,谋求发展,货物吞吐量再次超过亿吨,实际完成11167.5万吨,与上年基本持平。经营利润预计可实现预期目标。
In 2002, it was a historic year for the reform and development of Qinhuangdao Port. This year, as a port directly managed by the state, the last decentralized place of Qinhuangdao Port was handed over to Hebei Province for management, creating favorable conditions for port development to give full play to the enthusiasm of both localities and industries; this year, Qinhuangdao Port opened a reform of the company system Of the port, Qinhuangdao Port Authority by the restructuring of Qinhuangdao Port Group Co., Ltd., became China’s major ports along the coast of the implementation of the reform of the company system of the port enterprises; this year, all the work of the port to “three represents” as a guide, in the production capacity of the trend In the case of saturation, we have been steadfast in our confidence, overcome difficulties, based on the market and sought for development. Cargo throughput surpassed 100 million tons again, with an actual completion of 111.675 million tons, basically unchanged from the previous year. Operating profit is expected to achieve the expected target.