Factors associated with cervical cancer screening in a safety net population

来源 :World Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tradingart
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AIM To identify factors associated with Papanicolaou-smear(Pap-smear) cervical cancer screening rates in a safety net population.METHODS From January 2012 to May 2013, the use of Pap-smear was determined for all patients seen at the breast clinic in a safety net hospital. Health literacy assessment was performed using the validated Newest Vital Sign. The records of patients were reviewed to determine if they had undergone Pap-smears for cervical cancer screening. Sociodemographic information was collected included age, education, monthly income, race/ethnicity, employment, insurance status, and primary care provider of the patient. Logistic regression analysis was then performed to determine factors associated with utilization of Papsmears. Crude and adjusted odds ratios derived from multivariate logistic regression models were calculated as well as the associated 95% CIs and P-values.RESULTS Overall, 39% had Pap-smears in the prior 15 mo, 1377 consecutive women were seen during the study period and their records were reviewed. Significantly more patients with adequate health literacy underwent Papsmears as compared to those with limited health literacy(59% vs 34%, P < 0.0001). In multivariate analysis, patients with adequate health literacy, younger patients, and those with later age of first live birth were more likely to undergo Pap-smears. Patients whose primary care providers were gynecologists were also significantly more likely to have Pap-smears compared to other specialties(P < 0.0001). Patients younger than 21 years or older than 65 years underwent screening less frequently(11% and 11%, respectively) than those 21-64 years(41%, P < 0.0001). Race, ethnicity, language, and insurance status were not associated with Pap-smear screening rates.CONCLUSION Patient health literacy and primary care physician were associated with Pap-smear utilization. Development of interventions to target low health literacy populations could improve cervical cancer screening. AIM To identify factors associated with Papanicolaou-smear (Pap-smear) cervical cancer screening rates in a safety net population. METHODS From January 2012 to May 2013, the use of Pap-smear was determined for all patients seen at the breast clinic in a safety net hospital. Health literacy assessment was performed using the validated Newest Vital Sign. The records of patients were reviewed to determine if they had undergone Pap-smears for cervical cancer screening. Sociodemographic information was collected includes age, education, monthly income, race / ethnicity, employment, insurance status, and primary care provider of the patient. Logistic regression analysis was then performed to determine factors associated with utilization of Papsmears. Crude and adjusted odds ratios derived from multivariate logistic regression models were calculated as well as the associated 95% CIs and P-values. RESULTS Overall, 39% had Pap smears in the prior 15 months, 1377 consecutive women were seen during the st Significantly more patients with adequate health literacy underwent Papsmears as compared to those with limited health literacy (59% vs 34%, P <0.0001). In multivariate analysis, patients with adequate health literacy, younger patients, and those with later age of first live birth were likely likely to undergo Pap-smears. Patients whose primary care providers were gynecologists were also significantly more likely to have Pap-smears compared to other specialties (P <0.0001). race, ethnicity, language, and insurance status were not associated with Pap-smear screening, or older than 65 years underwent screening less frequently (11% and 11%, respectively) than those 21-64 years rates.CONCLUSION Patient health literacy and primary care physician were associated with Pap smear utilization. Development of interventions to target low health literacy populations could improve cervical cancer screening.
摘 要:如诗如画的山水,精雕细琢的园林,在这里,走出了一位教育名家叶圣陶先生。先生是苏式教育的精神导师,是苏式教师的行为榜样,是苏式教研的风向标。从“教为中心”到“学为中心”,教育的生活化使得学生构建知识更加的无痕,从教师自身的积累、适切的教学内容、师生平等的教学方式、多样的教学评价来探讨,依据生活即教育的理论基础,以数学课堂为例,探究生活化的教学方式促进课堂教学。  关键词:苏式课堂;生活化;数
摘 要:在素质教育背景下,学校更加注重学生的文明礼仪教育。本文首先分析小学生文明礼仪教育的现状。其次分析小学生文明礼仪教育的有效策略,通过开展班级主题班会、组织课外实践活动、加强教师的榜样作用、家校联合共育四种途径。最后分析小学生文明礼仪教育,让学生能够意识到文明礼仪的重要性,有助于学生养成良好的行为习惯和道德品质,提高自身的文明礼仪素养和综合素质,使中华民族的礼仪之邦优良传统得到进一步的发扬光大
摘 要:小学低年级中有一部分孩子识字不多,朗读能力较差,缺乏阅读兴趣,被老师称为“特殊学生”。如何提升这些特殊学生的朗读兴趣和朗读能力呢?因材施教,为每一位孩子制订个性化的朗读作业,并综合效果进行策略性的调整,这是一条可以尝试之路。而走这条路我们还要注意以下几个方面:充实识字储备,丰富朗读内容,优化朗读形式,变革朗读评价。只有做到了这些,才能真正为学生定制一份属于他自己的个性化朗读作业。  关键词
摘 要:识字教学是小学语文教学最重要的内容,也是学生以后接受其他教育、学习其他各种知识的基础,所以正确认识、理解和运用文字是小学阶段最重要的任务。但在实际教学过程中,很多的小学生都会出现写错别字的现象,成为小学语文教学中困扰众多师生的突出问题。本文对小学生常见错别字的原因进行了分析,对如何纠正错别字提出了一些见解和看法,希望对解决此问题有所帮助。  关键词:小学语文;错别字;纠正  正确认识语言文
摘 要:日常教学中,教师的主要工作是通过语言将知识传授给学生。对于初中语文教师来说,语言不仅仅是教学的工具,更是一种语言艺术。教师只有以人为本,艺术地使用语言,才能做到有效教学。在教学中,教师可以把教师语言的有效性作为促进有效教学的切入点,在课堂上巧用鼓励性言语,拉近师生之间、学生和课本之间的距离,使学生获得精神愉悦和美的熏陶。在本文中笔者结合教学经验,就如何提高教师语言的有效性进而最终实现有效教