An integrated circuit of a programmable digital signal processor that provides speed, accuracy and adaptability to many communications applications will be discussed. Functionally, this is a special purpose microcomputer. Its instruction set and arithmetic and addressing capabilities are optimal for real-time signal processing including filtering, detection and modulation. During a machine cycle of 800 nanoseconds, the processor can optionally code an instruction to fetch data and perform a 16-bit by 20-bit multiplication and an accumulation of all 36-bit products. Therefore, the signal processing functions thus applied are useful like dual tone multi-frequency receivers or low-speed data modems with a single device. For many sound-level applications, the processor’s computational accuracy is also sufficient, and in many applications requiring only external resonators or clocks, the digital signal processor can operate alone. However, it is easy to interface with microprocessors and other devices for a high degree of signal processing. Very suitable and separate serial transmission