New energy vehicles: wind vane of auto industry

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  The increasingly worsening environmental problems bring a storm of using and promoting new energy vehicles. In May 2013, the “Apple” in auto industry – Tesla, an American electric vehicle brand, achieved the first quarterly profit in ten years, which convinced the market of electric vehicles and launched the beautiful tomorrow of new energy vehicles.
  Splendid emergence of Tesla
  Tesla, founded in 2003, is famous for producing battery electric vehicles. Due to the advantages of little pollution, little emission and low energy consumption, it has become the most successful brand of electric vehicles in the world. According to statistics, Tesla delivered more than 20,000 vehicles globally, among which over 18,000 vehicles were sold in native market in America, ranking third in sales volume. The substantial market shares established the basis of new energy vehicle development in America and had reference value for other countries.
  Tesla is a kind of pure battery electric vehicles using lithium batteries of light weight and high energy and power density instead of lead-acid cells. China Business Network reported: “Tesla’s power transmission system is controlled by digital signals. After redesigning the circuit, firmware, and control algorithm, it can control input current and voltage more accurately and quickly and reduce the power consumption in car accelerating or under the condition of low temperature.” As one of the few successful battery electric vehicles in the world, Tesla has the cruising ability of four to five hundred kilometers, which is indeed favorable by the buyers. Of course, the emergence of Tesla not only lets the world see the new direction of the development of the auto industry, but also to a certain extent alleviates the pressure of environmental pollution caused by the excessive use of fueling cars.
  It is reported that Tesla has a total of 34 stores around the world. At the beginning of 2014, Tesla officially enters China in the means of hunger marketing. Since Tesla’s opening in Parkview Green in Beijing, China in November 2013, crowds of people have come to visit the store. A security analyst predicted boldly in an interview with the media: “Tesla will set an example for China's new energy auto industry and tell the market how much space for imagination new energy auto industry will have.”
  Non-ignorable environmental problems
  Nowadays, people all attribute the frequent phenomena of sea level rise, global warming, all kinds of photochemical smog and haze to the “automobile exhaust”. Then, automobile exhaust becomes the focus of people’s concerns. Automobile exhaust pollution is a global problem and is not a new topic. As the name implies, automobile exhaust pollution is environmental pollution caused by the automobile exhaust emissions. The main pollutants are carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, lead compounds, etc.   According to relevant experts, “automobile exhaust accounted for 30-60% of air pollution at the beginning of the 21st century.” With the increasing number of cars year by year, the destructive impact on the global environment is becoming more and more prominent. The harm on urban residential environment is the most obvious, such as high ozone content in air, aggravating urban heat island effect, etc. Since the 1940s, multiple cities like Los Angeles, Tokyo have had events of photochemical smog, which caused huge economic loss and a large number of casualties.
  Automobile exhaust even has damage on human’s respiratory system, circulatory system and nervous system. Carbon monoxide in automobile exhaust is extremely toxic. Once inhaled, it will cause a headache and dizziness to a light extent and lead to permanent damage to brain cells to a severe extent. At the same time, nitrogen oxide in automobile exhaust is the killer of human respiratory system. If it is inhaled for long time, it will easily cause bronchitis, pulmonary edema, etc. In addition, the automobile exhaust will lead to conjunctival inflammation, eye swelling, eye pain and other symptoms in eye. Besides, Deputy Researcher of University of Chinese Medicine Pu Zhaohe said, “According to a new study in the United States, pregnant women who live in areas with much carbon monoxide or suspended particulate matter have 10% - 25% higher risk of premature delivery than those live in less polluted areas. The research also confirms the main pollutants are closely related to the automobile exhaust.”
  Currently, most cars sold on the market are driven by gasoline and diesel. Although countries all over the world have made many efforts to reduce the harmful substance in vehicle exhaust emissions, they still can't solve the effects that automobile exhaust pollution has on the global environment. The emergence and promotion of new energy vehicles represented by Tesla undoubtedly has brought a breath of fresh air to people's living space.
  Origin of new energy vehicles
  Improving air quality and accelerating the development of new energy automotive industry seem to be more urgent after Tesla becomes fashionable in the whole world. What are new energy vehicles? According to the explanation of Baidu encyclopedia: “New energy vehicles refer to those vehicles with advanced technology principle, new technology and new structure that use unconventional vehicle fuels as power sources (or use conventional vehicle fuels with new types of vehicle power equipment) and are integrated with advanced technology in power control and drive integrated vehicle dynamics control and drive.” It is reported that battery electric vehicles (BEV, including solar powered vehicles), hydrogen energy vehicles, fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV), hybrid cars and cars using other new energy (such as high-efficiency accumulator, dimethyl ether) all belong to the category of new energy vehicles.   Before 2006, in terms of the development of new energy vehicles, countries are in the hesitant stage. In addition to Japan’s insistence on the research and development, other countries take a wait-and-see attitude. In 2007, with the increasingly serious environment problems, and the needs of the development of the industry, countries introduced various policies to support the new energy automotive industry, which laid the foundations of steady development of the new energy vehicles. “A single spark can start a prairie fire.” From 2012 on, countries around the world intensified the control of the emissions of carbon dioxide and continued to strengthen the policy support and consumer subsidies for new energy vehicles, so that new energy automobile industry chains were gradually improved and made some significant achievements. One of the most representative achievements is that Tesla began to have quarterly profits in 2013.
  Nowadays, most countries in the world have battery electric vehicles, such as Tesla in the U.S., “Blue On” in Korea, Toyota RAV4 and IQ in Japan, Audi A3 e-tron in Germany and BYD E6 in China.
  “Best game no one plays”
  “Best game no one plays” may be one dilemma of the market of new energy vehicles. The advantages of new energy vehicles are high speed, light sound and good dynamic property; the disadvantages are that cruising power and the price need to be improved. Some experts pointed out that the promotion of new energy vehicles inevitably face the dilemmas of “unsupported technologies and unmatched facilities”. Besides, frequent reports about battery electric vehicles on fire made a big impact on the struggling automobile market.
  It was reported that in 2013 Tesla had three fire accidents in six weeks. In early February this year, a fire incident was reported in a private garage in Toronto, Canada. In 2012 in China, after a series of fires of battery electric vehicle such as BYD E6 was crashed and burst into flames and low-speed electric car had spontaneous combustion in Loudi Hunan, people began to worry about the safety of the battery electric vehicles. Professor of Automotive Engineering and Director of Electric Vehicle Office of Tsinghua University Chen Quanshi: “Safety should be put in the first place in the design and operation of electric vehicles; the standards of battery system in the country or industry level should be improved as soon as possible; enterprise should improve the safety standards of electric vehicles and power battery based on the characteristics of their own products.”   Battery electric vehicles depend on the “electric technology”. Vehicle batteries mainly use the rechargeable batteries including lead-acid batteries, nickel cadmium battery, nickel metal hydride battery or lithium ion battery to provide power. Even after hundreds of years of development, nowadays, the shortcomings of electric cars on the market are mainly reflected in short-life battery, high cost and incomplete supporting facilities.
  Executive Vice President of Development Research Institute of Automotive Engineering of Tsinghua University and Deputy Director of State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy Song Jian said: “A battery electric car needs 50 KWh. If 1 KWh needs 10 KG batteries, then 50 KWh will need 500 KG batteries, but the cruising ability is only 200 km.” It is known that the current new energy vehicles can provide the best cruising ability of about 400-500 km at most. “Some studies have shown that the cruising ability of electric car can reach the mileage of a case of gasoline. The battery charging time even can be done within a minute or two. But these are confined to the laboratory tests. It is difficult to carry out in the commercial field.” Deputy Director of Green and Low Carbon Development Research Center of Zhejiang University of Technology and Zhejiang Zhong Tai New Energy Vehicles in China Wu Weiqiang said. Previously it was reported that South Korea would launch rechargeable battery material which needs only a minute to charge, but it was questioned by many experts.
  If the coverage of new energy vehicles reaches the percentage of over 50% to response to the need of energy saving and reduction of emission, the charging problems of electric vehicles are inevitable. Charging stations are not available or there are long queues at charging stations. In this case, taking account of the time cost, it is possible that many car owners will stop using electric vehicles. “In the process of the development of new energy vehicles, charging stations are the most important devices,” said Dr. Wang Gang from Automotive Engineering School of Shandong Jiaotong University. However, even for America, whose development of electric vehicles is at the forefront, the supporting devices also fall behind. According to media, there is a shortage of charging devices of electric vehicles in America, especially in Silicon Valley. “Right now, there are about 1,800 staff owning electric vehicles, but there are only 16 chargers available.” In addition, charging stations are gradually built in countries like China, Singapore, South Korea and Brazil. There is still a long way to go to achieve good conditions that charging can be available at any time and any places.   At the same time, price is a critical element for consumers to determine whether they will accept it or not. “It is too expensive and not convenient for use. For the pure electric vehicles like the Nissan Leaf and BYD E6, the price is near hundreds of thousands and this is unaffordable for ordinary families,” said Xiao Min, a citizen of Changchun. It is understood that the price of the mechanic devices of BYD E6 excluding battery is only fifty or sixty thousand RMB, while the price of an electric vehicle of BYD has reached over two hundred thousand not to mention Atlas positioned as luxury vehicles. The high cost of batteries is an important reason. It is worth mentioning that the replacement cost of batteries of electric vehicles is also very high. The money for replacement of batteries is enough for a fuel car. Karl-Thomas Neumann, General Manager of Ampera, General Motos, said: “We lose money on every Ampera electric vehicle as the technology of electric vehicles is far too expensive.”
  In addition, many experts think that if the abandoned batteries of electric vehicles cannot be recycled and reused, the original hope of achieving environment protection will not be realized. The heavy metal contained in abandoned batteries will pollute water resources and land resources to affect the planting of crops.
在经历了暴力冲突以及自然灾害的伤痛后,斯里兰卡总统马欣达·拉贾帕克萨曾在一次演讲中满怀深情地告诉大家,“我们回望悲伤,但更希冀前方”。他说:“斯里兰卡已决心做出改变。为迎接整个世界,我们愿将苦难留在身后,将目光投向未来。正如伟大的科学家兼作家亚瑟·克拉克所说,他的第二故乡斯里兰卡,是地球上仰望星空的最佳之地。”  2010年11月19日,马欣达·拉贾帕克萨凭借50.29%的微弱优势击败其主要竞争对
马来西亚东海岸城市关丹附近2011年开始建造一座稀土处理厂,当地居民对工厂的建设及其放射性风险极感担忧。近日,国际原子能机构在对该工厂进行了两次访问后得出结论,这座稀土处理厂的放射性风险较低,该机构同时建议稀土处理厂与政府机构更好地与公众进行沟通,消除误解。  2011年6月莱纳斯稀土处理厂还在建设之中时,原子能机构就开展了一次实地访问,并且提出了11条建议。此次由国际原子能机构8名专家开展的访问
据新加坡《联合早报》17日报道,英国研究人员发现,每周运动三次,可把患抑郁症的风险降低16%,而且每周运动的次数越多,患病的风险就越低。伦敦大学学院儿童保健研究所佩雷拉所领导的研究小组对11,135个在1958年出生的人进行长年追踪,直到他们50岁为止。  研究人员让参与调查者填写问卷,以评估他们在23岁、33岁、42岁和50岁时的心理压力状况。受调查者也被问到运动的次数。  结果发现,那些增加每
经过10多年的谈判于四年前在日本名古屋通过的《生物多样性公约关于获取遗传资源以及公正和公平地分享其利用所产生惠益的名古屋议定书》10月12日正式生效,为全球分享生物遗传资源提供了更多的确定性和透明度。  《生物多样性公约》秘书处项目官员费加罗阿(Viviana Figueroa)指出,这一议定书的生效使全球在确保获得和分享利用遗传资源的惠宜以及和相关传统知识方面建立了一个全球机制。  费加罗阿说,
据英媒10月21日报道,一项最新研究指出,与吸烟者一起生活的非烟民如同生活在“雾霾城市”。他们所处的环境的空气质量等同于那些生活在空气极度污染城市中的非吸烟者。  报道称,爱丁堡大学和阿伯丁大学研究人员联合出版的研究报告指出,对不吸烟的人来说,搬进一个无人吸烟的住所对健康有极大的好处。  研究人员共同采集了93个吸烟家庭和17个非吸烟家庭的空气质量数据。结果显示,93个吸烟家庭中的PM2.5平均值
一颗高速飞行的彗星即将要与火星来一场近距离接触。赛丁泉彗星预计将在美国东部时间下午2点27分时进入与火星不到八万七千英里的距离,对于一颗低空飞行的彗星来说,这一距离已经非常近。太空陨石的飞行速度约为12万6千英里每小时(56千米每秒)。  美国国家航空和宇宙航行局认为该颗彗星不会和火星相撞,但彗星会喷射出一道尘埃与气体,这些尘埃与气体可能会对围绕火星运行的航天器造成损害。  “火星会正好处于一片碎
据外媒报道,当地时间25日,美国太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)的“龙”货运飞船结束了为期一个月的国际空间站之旅,携带小鼠和其他货物返回地球。  美国宇航局(NASA)表示,美国东岸夏令时间10月26日15时38分,飞船降落于墨西哥西部加利福尼亚半岛附近的太平洋海域。  报道称,在那里守候的一艘船将飞船打捞上来,并带到洛杉矶附近的一个港口。其中一些货物将交还给美国宇航局,而飞船本身将被运往太空探索
Li Yuliang, whose pen name is Huang Yin, alias Yanshan Commoner, is the Vice Chair of China Painting Artists’ Association, Vice President of Huaxia Celebrities Calligraphy and Painting Institute, memb
日前,有研究对全球清洁能源进行了首次全生命周期评估,结果显示本世纪中期可再生能源足以满足全球的电力需求。  这份刊载在《美国国家科学院院刊》的研究显示,到2050年,全球低碳能源经济不仅是可行的,还会使电力产出加倍。  本次研究由挪威科技大学能源工程学院的埃德加·赫特维希教授和托马斯·吉本教授共同完成,他们对全球经济和应对气候变化的全球再生能源和清洁能源进行了首次全生命周期的成本评估。  研究人员