At present, there are a large number of CDC in China, reaching 3,490 in 2012, of which 31,406,2808 are provinces, cities (prefectures) and counties (districts and county-level cities) respectively. These institutions need to deal with the disease prevention environment In 2012, the total number of reported Class A and B infectious diseases in China reached 3.2169 million cases. For the supervision of schools, the number of supervised schools reached 224,000. Such a huge workload , We must have a sound disease prevention and control file, and regulate its management and utilization, in order to achieve the goal of not only safeguarding the personal privacy of citizens, but also aiding government in decision-making and other functions. First, the disease prevention and control archives the need for standardized management and utilization of disease prevention and control files contain more content, both a variety of rules and regulations, but also statistics, research reports, including health surveillance related information, the management of norms And use has an important practical significance,