一位精通音乐的渔夫带着笛子和渔网来到海岸边。他站上一块突出的岩石,吹了好几首曲子。他希望鱼儿会为其美妙的音乐所吸引,翩翩起舞着自投罗网(网已在脚下布好)……空等了许久,渔夫最终扔了笛子,将网撒向大海。这一次他收获颇丰。看着网中蹦跳的鱼儿,渔夫责备道,“噢,你们这些怪家伙!我吹笛时你们不跳,现在我不吹了,你们却跳得这么欢。”Afisherman skilled in music took his flute and his nets to the seashore.Standing on a
A musically astute fisherman came to the coast with a flute and a fishing net. He stood on a prominent rock and blew several songs. He hoped that the fish would be attracted by his wonderful music, and he would dance and dance to the net (the net had been laid under his feet).... Waiting for a long time, the fisherman eventually threw the flute and threw the net to the sea. This time he had a good harvest. Watching the fish jumping in the net, the fisherman scolded, “Oh, you guys! You guys don’t jump when I play the flute, and now I don’t blow, you jump so much.”"Afisherman skilled in music took His flute and his nets to the seashore.Standing on a