Example 1, female, 76 years old. Due to pain in the right lower abdomen mass, the patient was admitted to the hospital with low fever for 20 days. The diagnosis was “acute appendicitis” and the appendectomy was not effective. Posterior enteroscope shows: ileocecal neoplasm (nature). An exploratory laparotomy was performed and a rapid disease examination was performed to show malignant lymphoma and mesenteric lymph node metastasis. Example 2, female, 36 years old. Epigastric pain does not apply for 5 years. Dysphagia progressed progressively, and weight loss was admitted to hospital in March. The gastroscope shows that the huge gastric ulcer involves the fontanelle (malignant not ruled out). Treatment by ulcer disease is invalid. The second gastroscopy and multi-site investigations revealed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). Example 3, male, 50 years old. Upper abdominal pain for 10 years, and then heavier with blackness for 7 days. stomach